Chapter Twenty Six

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"I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up"


Bella asked as she sat on the edge of her bed, her eyes worried and confused.

"What happened? Why have you been crying?" She asked once more, looking over at Kathy and Lisa for some answers.

Melany sighed deeply before she brushed her dark hair from her eyes.

"Louis broke up with me" she said, her voice raw with emotion even though she had been mourning and crying since noon.

"That can't be possible. Louis is crazy about you" Bella said, shaking her head with disbelief. Lisa sighed as she grabbed hold of Mel's lanky hand.

"It's true, Belly." she assured her petite brunette roommate.

Kathy nodded, confirming the piece of vital and ground breaking information. Bella's face fell as it sunk in.She couldn't believe Louis had actually ended things with Mel.

She had seen the way they looked at each other and how he looked at Melany and that was enough to confirm that what they had was genuine and true.

"Did he say why?" Bella asked in a small unsure voice. Was she supposed to talk about it with poor Mel?

"We got into a huge fight and he just sort of ended it. It's just a big mess and I don't know what's going to happen."

she paused to wipe a tear that had escaped and made its way down her cheek.

"The thing is I'm almost positive that I can't go on without him. I'm not sure if he feels the same way, though. I can't do this. I need him in my life."

she shook her head as tears welled up in her puffy, red eyes.

"We've been together for two years and he knows me inside out. I know everything about him and he knows me better than anyone. I can't let him walk out of my life. I'd be stupid if I just stood there and let it happen. I need him, guys. What can I do? What if he doesn't feel the same way about me? What if I'm the only one who cares about our relationship?"

she sobbed onto Kathy's shoulder. Isabella watched the ghost of Melany sob and cry over her ruined relationship in awe, with her mouth open.

It was quite obvious that Melany was completely and utterly in love with Louis and if he failed to see that then he was blind and insane.

Lisa patted Melany's back as she cried, her cries softening and her breaths evening.

"Mel I am so sorry but you're right. If you're postivie you can't go on without him then you shouldn't" Bella said in her soft, sweet voice. Melany nodded violently.

"I've never been so sure about something in my whole life. " she said before she looked down at her clasped fingers and inhaled deeply.

"I-I love him" she whispered.

"Then tell him" Kathy said holding her best friend's hand.

"I-I can't. What if he doesn't feel the same way about me?" Melany asked with a frown.

"I sincerely doubt he doesn't love you, Mel. You don't spend two years with someone you don't  love. That's not how things work. You should tell him. Soon. Otherwise you'll blow your chance forever and love doesn't always happen. It's hard enough to find someone you love so when you do, you've got to fight for it"

Bella said, her voice strong and stable. Her three roommates looked at her with wide eyes before Melany nodded.

"Okay. You're right. I've got to tell him" 


Louis Tomlinson sniffled as he stared up at the celining of his dorm.

His eyes were red rimmed, wet and puffy because he had spent the whole day crying his eyes out. The door opened fractionally to reveal Niall's shock of blonde hair.


Louis thought. Niall had listened to him as he moaned and sobbed about how he had ended up doing something he never wanted to which was breaking up with Mel.

Niall had patted his back and brought him endless supplies of Kleenex.

Along with Niall's striking blonde hair came chocolate brown curls, a raven quiff he rarely ever saw lately and short dark brown hair that belonged to a sincere and sensible head.

"I thought you could use some company" Niall explained as he sat on his bed.

Harry Styles was frowning sympathetically as he took in the sight of the torn up Louis. The curly haired boy sat on the edge and gave Louis a tight yet long hug.

"I'm sorry, mate" he whispered into his ear. Louis nodded after he pulled away and dabbed the edges of his wet eyes with a tissue.

"Why'd you do it, Lou?" Liam Payne finally asked with confused eyes.

"We thought you were completely in love with Melany" he added, trying to understand why Louis had ended things with the girl he loved.

"I was- I mean I am" Louis said his eyes still glued to the ceiling.

"Then why did you break up with her?" Harry asked in his raspy, hoarsy voice.

Louis sighed deeply with exhaustion.

"Because I was afraid. I knew what she wanted from me and I understand that she deserves to hear those words by now but I just can't... I was afraid she would leave me so I didn't give her the chance to do it" he explained sadly, tears forming in his eyes all over again.

"To be honest Lou, that's a shitty excuse." Zayn Malik spoke up with his mocha eyes holding sympathy.

"Yeah Lou. You can't break up with a girl because you're afraid of her breaking up with you. You need to give her a reason to stay instead of pushing her away" Niall said in his soft Irish accented voice.

Louis sniffled. The guys were right. He had been acting stupidly. He was mad, sad, confused, frustrated but most importantly he was scared.

He felt like he didn't deserve Melany and he was contemplating whether she was thinking the same thing, too.

"I know for a fact that Melany is crazy about you" Niall added as sat back on his comfy bead and tried to read Louis' expression.

"I doubt she still feels the same way about me. I broke her heart in front of everyone. I don't deserve her" Louis said sadly.The boys shook their heads in disagreement.

"You know that's a lie, Louis. You are a great boyfriend. You're kind, generous, giving, caring and above all loving." Harry said proudly as he spoke highly of his best friend.

"Never say you don't deserve what makes you happy and what you love. Everyone deserves to have that special person in their life, Louis. That includes you... and Melany. If you really love her, you should tell her and if you can't then you should damn well show her, Tomlinson" Liam excalimed with his arms crossed tightly over his strong and lean chest.

Louis looked over at his best friends. They were so supportive and so kind and the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

"Okay, but you guys need to help me" Louis said, sitting up in bed and wiping at the tears on his cheeks with the back of his hand, a determined look plastered on his face. 

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