Chapter Forty Three

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"What do you think my brain is made for

Is it just a container for the mind

This great grey matter"

Zayn Malik watched Isabella from the corner of his eye.

After the slight incident with her father, Mrs. Potter had caught him away from his stand and scolded him for a minute about his dutites and responsiblities.

She nearly taped his lean body to the chair by his stand to make sure he stayed there.

Although he was standing by his painting, his mind was somewhere else as he studied the tense expression on Isabella's beautiful face.

He couldn't tell if she was mad at him, though.

Despite the fact that he hadn't done anything wrong, necessarily, he hadn't made things better either.

He really hoped her anger and frustration wasn't aimed at him and he sent a silent prayer.

"So this is the painting that you've been working on since the beginning of the month?"

the familiar raspy and deep voice of his best friend and roommate snapped Zayn out of his thoughts as he looked up at the curly haired boy standing before him.

"Huh? Oh, yeah this is it. It's supposed to represent Bella" he said proudly as he turned to look at the painting.

Harry smiled as he studied it.

"Those are her eyes, right?" He asked as he pointed to a pair of cat like grey eyes that stood at the top of the canvas.

They were subtly drawn so that her eyes also gave off the impression that they were rain droplets.

Zayn nodded, an impressed look on his face at the fact that his best friend had understood a vital part of the painting.

"Yeah, they are. They're the first things that actually struck me about Isabella. Her eyes are so pure and innocent but at the same time you can see how much hurt there is behind them. It's heartbreaking"

Zayn said sadly as he continued too look at his own painting. Harry sighed before he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"You really like her don't you?" Harry asked.

He didn't really have to ask, the answer was plastered over Zayn's forehead.

"Are you kidding? I'm crazy about her, Haz. Oh shit here comes, Mrs. Potter. Act like I'm saying something groundbreaking about art"

Zayn said as he suddenly scrunched up his eyes and moved around his hands in different gestures.

"And you can see here that the texture reflects how I first perceived Isabella: Soft and refined..."

Zayn trailed off as he gestured wildly and watched as Mrs. Potter nodded happily as she walked by.

Harry had his arms crossed over his chest as he nodded like he couldn't agree more with what Zayn was saying.

"Okay she's gone" Zayn said as he sighed out of relief.

Harry started to laugh loudly.

"Aren't I an amazing actor, Zaynie? Come on, tell me I'm awesome" Harry said with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah yeah you're awesome, Haz" Zayn said as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey don't get your knickers in a twist. I won't forget about you once I'm a big movie star and dating a Victoria's Secret model."

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