Chapter Twenty Five

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"You have stolen my heart"

Isabella threaded her fingers with Zayn's as they walked on the beach, the soft white sand caressing their feet and ankles as they slowly made their way down the shore.

The sun was sinking into the horizon, scattering a lovely mixture of purple, blue, pink, red and orange flecks of light in the sky and nearby clouds.

They were the only people on the beach along with a nanny and two children who were making sandcastles on the sea shore.

"Hey look" Zayn said in that deep, masculine voice that often made its way into Isabella's head late at night and haunted her dreams.

His voice still made her skin errupt into goosebumps and still made shivers run down her spine. She never wanted to forget how his voice made her feel.... how he made her feel.

She followed his gaze which landed on a tiny blue crab digging a whole in the sand. Zayn gently untangled his fingers from hers as he crouched down and inspected the little crab.

He slowly held out his hand and the daring baby crab waddled into the palm of his hand. He smiled happily as he stood up and admired the tiny crab that he had managed to catch.

"Open up your hands" he told Isabella as he walked towards her, careful of the little creature in his hand.

Isabella looked over at the crustation and gulped. She had always found crabs a little creepy and unsettling.

"Come on, don't you trust me? He won't bite." he assured her as he looked deeply in her eyes, trying to gauge her reaction.

She swallowed before she slowly opened her hands and closed her eyes. She suddenly felt little pinches on her palm and gasped in awe as she saw the little crab moving around on her hand.

She had to admit that it looked pretty cute as it circled around, confused. She smiled, bringing the crab a little closer to her face.

"Oh, it's so cute" she admired softly in her sweet voice. Zayn wrapped his arm around her skinny waist and pulled her closer.

The pair of them looked at the blue crab in awe before Bella suddely crouched down and gently settled it on the soft, wet sand.

The little crab waddled away into the ocean happily as Bella stood up and crossed her arms over her chest.

Zayn wrapped his arm around her shoulder and tangled his fingers with hers as they continued their walk down the shore. 


The sun had set and it was dark, the only light illuminating from the moon that hung in the dark sky and the dim orange light that radiated from the lamp posts across the street.

Bella had her legs crossed as she expertly and strategically burried Zayn's sleeping body in the sand.

She was surprised how deep in sleep he was to the point where being burried in sand couldn't have woken him up.She giggled to herself as she stood up, admiring her handiwork.

There, under the moonlight, lay a sleeping Zayn burried up to his neck in sand as soft, gentle snores left his perfectly plump lips.

Suddenly, the crashing of waves against rocks brought her from her moment of admiration of the sleeping boy.

Realizing a wave was headed their way, Bella scampered off, laughing evily as she anticipated Zayn's expression as he found himself underwater.

Right then, a wave washed over Zayn and the rocks. Bella errupted into a fit of giggles as she made her way back to the shore to find the drenched boy.

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