Chapter Thirty One

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"Well I came home

Like a stone

And I fell heavy into your arms

These days of dust

Which we have known

Will blow away with this new sun"

Zayn Malik was ready to climb the wall. He was strapped and secured with the harness and ropes.

He glanced over at Isabella who was also protected and secured in her own harness. She was gazing up at the wide wall, fear gripping her heart as she realized she was supposed to climb it.

She was literally living her nightmare at that very moment but as she turned and looked at the raven haired boy who was smiling at her in reassurance she sighed and tried to calm herself down.

Since Zayn was involved, this definitely wasn't a nightmare. More like beautiful dream, a fufilled fantasy even.

"Ready guys?" The person who helped them get ready asked as he got ready to help them climb the wall.

Zayn was the one to make the first move as he gripped the nearest rock at his eye level, his foot reaching one as he pulled himself up.

He had already climbed one third of the wall when he realized he was climbing on his own. He glanced around in search of Bella's familair soft brown curls.As he looked down he found her looking up at him and he smiled.

"Come on Bells. It's not as hard as it looks. Plus, you're safe and secure. Come on, I'm getting lonely up here" he smiled again, his sweet, assuring smile.

Bella nodded and inhaled deeply as she grasped a tiny pink rock and settled her foot on a big blue one, pulling herself up.

She closed her eyes as she ascended the wall. After about five minutes of climbing, she fluttered her eyes open and turned around to find Zayn smiling at her.

"Hi" he whispered in his low, deep voice.

"Hey" she tried saying but it ended up sounding like a strangled cry.

"Bella, I promise nothing bad will happen to you" he smiled once more.

"Come on, let's see who'll reach the top first" he ventured as he climbed up some more. Isabella laughed nervously as she tugged on a big red rock and pulled herself up, climbing beside Zayn.

"You're the obvious winner" she panted, partly from fear and partly from exhaustion. They were already halfway up the high wall.

"Hmmm" Zayn looked thoughtful for a moment as he led the way up, ascending the wall.

"Don't be so sure. Remember my fear of heights..." Zayn's voice trailed off as he looked for a good rock to take a hold of. Bella bit her lip.

"You're right. I totally forgot" she said as she mentally facepalmed. She climbed up some more, not daring to look down. She and Zayn were now on the same level.

"Oh?" Zayn glanced over her with a smirk. "Looks like you're having fun" he smiled as he climbed up some more. Bella smiled as she followed him up. They had climbed more than half of the wall by now.

"If I am that's only because you're here with me" she whispered, but made sure she was loud enough for him to hear her. He was about to climb a rock before the words left her mouth.

He looked down at the beautiful brave brunette who was obviously a born climber. He waited for her to catch up with him as she climbed a few more rocks.

"I wish they would let us make out on these" Zayn said under his breath as he continued, earning him a loud laugh from Bella.

"Hey look we're almost there" Zayn mused as he could see the red flag at the top of the wall. Bella climbed up some more before she caught up with Zayn.

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