Chapter Eight

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Author's note

Oh my gosh you guys I'm sorry about not updating sooner but I have been in bed these past couple of days so I hope you guys understand. Anyway here's a chapter for you readers it's more of a filler but the next ones will be better I promise just bear with me if you will. Love you all xx 

“Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can.”

Isabella was able to keep her mind of Zayn all through English. Although every little thing reminded her of him. Like the way the cover of their book Persuasion by Jane Austen was the same color as Zayn's eyes only his were twinkling and sparkling like stars.

She couldn't help but feel a little heart broken at the fact that he had been tormented by his peers so badly to the extent of changing schools and moving away. The way her heart tugged in sadness made her realize that what she felt for Zayn Malik was far more than a common interest.

No, no she was way past that. She was past that the moment he had helped her with her painting. She was drawn to him and every moment they spent together and even every moment apart, she felt like that aching for him grew and grew.

The fact that he had been so trusting in her made her consider telling him the truth about what had happened to her. She wasn't completely ready but she was warming up to the idea of coming clean.

Right after class, she made her way to her dorm to get ready for supper. Running into Kathy on the way, they decided to walk together.

"Oh God you look awful" Isabella told a red eyed and dishevled Kathy.

"That's funny because I feel bloody fantastic" she grumbled sarcastically earning her an "aww" and tight hug from Isabella.

"I take it practice was intnese?" Bella venutured. Kathy sighed.

"Intense would be sugar coating it. You should see Lisa. She's about to quit the team"

Kathy smiled for the first time as the two of them made their way into the dorm to be greeted by a scowling Lisa lying on her bed. Melany was on her bed with an open Chemistry textbook and highlighter in hand.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Isabella scampered into the room and plopped on Lisa's bed widening her eyes and batting her eye lashes repeatedly just to annoy her blonde roommate.

"I think I might physically hurt you, Bella." Lisa grumbled half heartedly before she cracked a smile.

Isabella laughed loudly before she settled on her own bed.

"Hey Susanne from across the hall has season four of Pretty Little Liars. Let's watch it tomorrow after school" Melany added as she highlighted a whole paragraph.

Isabella was about to agree before she remembered she was meeting Zayn then. A smile tugged at her mouth which didn't go unnoticed by her roommates.

"I'll take that as a yes" Melany chirped happily.

"Um actually" Isabella began but didn't have the chance to explain since she was interrupted by Kathy who even in her state, was ready to pounce whenever a guy was involved.

"OH YOU MET A GUY DIDN'T YOU!?" Kathy exclaimed with a wicked gleam in her eyes. Isabella blushed and bit her lip. Maybe it was time to tell them about Zayn.

"Who is he?" Lisa demanded, less grumpy than she had been two seconds ago.

It's amazing what guys were capable of doing.

"Zayn. Malik." Isabella said slowly. Melany's head snapped up while Lisa's eye brows rose up and Kathy smirked.

"I knew it! I knew it from the moment I saw you that you were perfect for Zayn!" Kathy exclaimed with a smile. Lisa smiled in agreement.

"She's right you know. It was only a matter of when you guys met before you two fell hoplessly in love with eachother" Lisa added with a knowing smile.

Isabella shook her head. Lisa didn't know how right she was.

"Finally! I was waiting for one of you to date one of Louis' best friends. Now we can go on double dates!" Melany squealed. Isabella shook her head.

"But we're not even dating! Listen, we're in the same art class and apparently we have this huge project at the end of the month  and we happen to be partners. That's all it is, so just stop talking about how we're meant to be or whatever" Isabella whispered.

She was realistic, that's the way she always was.

Up until a few months ago, she would have believed what her three roommates had said. But the thing was, she wasn't the same girl she was a couple of months ago.

She had always been the pessimist, even as a child.

While girls her age were dreaming becoming the president or surgeons, she kept her feet firmly planted to the ground and tried not to get her hopes up too high. 

Sure, she had feelings for Zayn, feelings she knew he reciprocated in one way or another (A/N I'M GONNA FIND YA I'M GONNA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA)

But that doesn't mean she should doodle MRS. ZAYN MALIK on her binder because she still had to be realistic, didn't she? 

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