Chapter Twenty

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'Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get only what you are expecting to give which is everything"

Niall Horan's long fingers were tangled with Kathy's as they sat dangerously close at the cafeteria.

She was practically sitting in his lap and he had his head resting on her slender shoulder.

"Hello you two love birds" Lisa sang as she settled her tray onto the wooden table.

Kathy smiled before Niall leaned in to peck her lips.

"Okay let's keep this PG" Lisa said obnoxiously before winking at a blushing Kathy.

Niall chuckled before he tossed a grape into his mouth.

"I'm going to get some more juice, do you guys want anything?" Kathy asked as she got up, her perfectly wavy red hair tumbling around her shoulders and framing her pretty face.

Niall admired his girlfriend before he shook his head.

"I'll miss you" he told her before she blew him a kiss and scampered off to the refreshment table.

"Aren't you two cute as a button" Lisa mused as she plopped a spoon into her yogurt.

"Thanks, Lisa. It seems like we're the only couple who isn't struggling at the moment" Niall mumbled the last part.

Lisa's eyes widened before she pushed the yogurt cup away.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked hoping that Kathy would get held up in the line so that she and Niall had more time to talk.

"Well you know how Louis and Mel are fighting right?" Niall asked as he took a bite of his peanut butter sandwich.

"You know about that, too?" Lisa asked with wide eyes disbelief clear in her voice.

"Well Lou's only one of my best friends" Niall said sarcastically before he rolled his ocean blue eyes at the clueless blonde.

"Yeah yeah yeah. What did he say, exactly?"Lisa asked suddenly growing impatient.

Niall stroked his chin as he considered it.

"He said something about Mel being difficult" he said vaguely.

"What else did he say?" Lisa pressed with eager eyes.

"I don't know, Lisa. But what I do know is the fact that Louis is really frustrated about how she's acting." Niall told her.

"Well he should feel frustrated"Lisa said as she narrowed her eyes.

"What does that even mean?" Niall asked as he polished off his sandwich.

Lisa opened her mouth to explain, but she noticed Kathy walking towards them.

"This discussion isn't over" she hissed as Kathy plopped down beside her boyfriend.

"So" she began opening her Snapple.

"What did I miss?" Kathy asked with a sweet smile.

Niall shrugged her broad shoulders before he wrapped her arm around his girlfriend's petite shoulders.

"Nothing much." He said glancing over at Lisa who was busying herself with her yogurt cup.

 Author's Note:

That's Arielle Kebbel who is portrayed as Lisa 

Oh my gosh it's exactly how I imagined her haha

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