Chapter Twenty Seven

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"I need your love

I need your time

When everything's wrong

You make it right"

Monday morning dragged on.

Melany was still heart broken but her crying had stopped and she was determined to confront Louis about her emotions in an attempt to win him back.

Kathy had spent Sunday morning, afternoon and evening with Niall and they couldn't be more happy.

Bella and Zayn agreed they would spend that Sunday working on their painting because the end of the month was right around the corner and they both wanted to give it their best.

Bella dashed to studio 2 and made her way to her usual spot. She walked over to her painting and settled it on the easel to continue her unfinished work.

She had a good feeling about the painting and what started out as abstarct was now a very clear painting she felt reflected Zayn's personality.

The personality that grew on her and the one that had charmed itsway into her heart since day one. She still couldn't belive how strongly she felt about him despite the fact that they knew each other over two weeks.

They knew everything about each other. They were drawn to one another and falling for each other was really inevitable.

It was chemical, something they had no control over.

Was it coincidence that they had ended up in the same class and were now spending every wakening hour with each other?

Everything happens for a reason, doesn't it?

Bella was deep in thought as she added small, seemingly insignificant details to her painting. She coudln't wait until he could see it. She wanted him to love it just as much as she loved it.

"Great work Bella. I see that you've decided against abstract?" Mrs. Potter asked as she studied Bella's painting with narrowed and concentrated eyes.

"I guess my brush has a mind of its own" Bella joked as she waved around a brush and smiled. Her teacher smiled before she patted her student's back.

"I'm glad you listened to that brush of yours. It definitely knows what it's doing. I can't wait until Mr. Malik sees it." she winked before she strolled along to comment on other paintings.

"Me neither" Bella said with a smile that could light up a dark alley. She was so preoccupied and caught up in finishing her painting, she was startled by the obnoxious sound of the bell ringing.

"Okay class. Paintings on the windowsil" Mrs. Potter clapped her hands causing her gold bangles to jingle loudly.

"Remember you have less than two weeks left until the exhibition so use that time wisely." she added as she brushed her wavy blonde hair from her face with her long, maroon painted nails.

Bella sighed deeply. She had less than two weeks left with Zayn. She couldn't help thinking,

what if he didn't want to hangout with her  anymore after that?

What if everything that was happening between them meant nothing to him?

 She could only speak for herself when she said it meant more to her than many other things did. What if he was just going to leave her hanging like that. Would she be able to recover, even after her shitty past?

Bella needed answers but she wasn't sure where she was able to find them. 


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