Chapter Thirty Six

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"Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?"

After school, Isabella met her roommates at a new hang out spot.

Mostly because they knew Louis and the boys would be hanging out in the common room and since Melany was with them they didn't want to provoke any hard feelings when she saw Louis.

So the four girls found themselves lying down on the grassy knoll of the green field.

"Did you guys see Louis when we walked past the common room? God, he looked great." 

Melany said as she turned on her side and propped herself on her elbow as she looked at her three friends.

"Mel, don't do this. You two will get back together soon. But I agree with you. This distance is good for the both of you" Kathy told her friend for the fourth time that day.

Melany was obviously missing her boyfriend and she was making it really hard on her friends to comfort her when all she could do was complain about how good Louis looked or how she missed him.

"I know, I know. It's just... I think one week is enough distance, don't you?" Mel asked as she tried to read her friends' expressions.

The only person who looked sympathetic was Isabella. She was a very senstive and her eyes held empathy as she looked at Melany.

"No, Mel. Give it more time. We know you miss him but you'll be back together soon enough. Just be patient" Lisa informed her with a sad smile as she rubbed Mel's back in a soothing rhythm.

Mel nodded sadly as she fluttered her eyes closed and lay back down on the grass.

"I love him" She said, pain etched in her voice, as her eyebrows dropped in a frown. Kathy brushed Melany's dark bangs from her face and kissed her lovingly on the forehead in a protective gesture.

"Oh, honey. He loves you, too. Even if he hasn't told you yet, he's made it fairly obvious. Just give him time and he'll come around. Now that he's lost you once he won't do the same mistake twice"

Kathy assured her heart broken best friend who nodded in agreement, trying to let Kathy's words convince her.

"I hope he doesn't. I don't think I could take losing him for good" Melany said miserably, a tear slipping out of her closed eye. 


Louis Tomlinson stared at his reflection in the mirror that hung on the wall of his side of the dorm.

He had changed out of his school uniform and into a brown sweater and red skinny jeans.

His light brown hair was sweeped away from his forehead and styled in his famous quiff.

He ran a nervous and shaking hand through it, adjusting the height of his hair before he sighed.

"Calm down, Lou. Everything'll be fine" Niall chirped from his bed where he was texting Kathy from his iPhone.

Louis exhaled deeply before he sprayed his favorite cologne around his neck and on his clothes.

"Ooh. You better go. Kathy just texted me. Melany's in the common room by herself. Go, Go!" Niall said loudly causing Louis to wince.

Niall stood up and gave his best friend a big bear hug.

"Good luck. Harry and Liam are going to be there to give you the box. Don't worry, Lou." Niall assured his friend before he patted his shoulder.

Louis started towards the door, flinging it open and closing it behind him. He decended the stairs slowly, trying to keep his heart beats at a normal rate.

He stopped every few minutes to wipe his sweaty palms on his pants. He could never remember being this nervous before.

Not even before he took an Economics Midterm he'd barely studied for. He gulped as he spotted Harry's tall frame outside the common room.

He and Liam were on either side of the door looking as equally nervous and anxious. Harry recognized his tan, blue eyed friend and stuck his large hand in his pocket before he pulled out a tiny red box.

Louis appraoched them, making sure not to be seen by Melany who he immediately noticed was sitting by the window.

"Hey Lou. You look great" Liam said as he shot him a warm smile. Louis smiled nervously.

"Thanks Li" he said before he turned to look at Harry, holding his hand out expectantly.

"Here you go. Good luck" Harry told him as he dropped the box onto Lou's clamy palm.

Louis smiled tightly before he nodded. Inhaling deeply, he took a step into the common room before he turned back to his two friends who gave him reassuring smiles and two pairs of thumbs up.

Louis exhaled deeply before he continued walking through the common room until he was standing in front of an oblivious Melany. 

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