Chapter Twenty Four

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"If birds flying south's a sign of changes

At least you can predict this every year

Love, you never know the minute it ends

Suddenly I can't get it to speak"

Melany pursed her lips as she high lighted the first paragraph in her Psychology textbook.

Louis had asked her to go to dinner and a movie on Saturday but she had declined, saying she needed to study for her massive exam on Monday.

"Mel?" She looked up to see Louis' lake blue green eyes staring down at her. She smiled weakly before she pushed her textbook aside.

"Hey Louis" he smiled back before he pulled up the chair and sat facing her.

"How's the studying going?" he asked nodding towards the pile of papers and books that were strewn across the hard wood table as he shrugged off his jacket.

"It's coming along" she said as she bit her bottom lip.

"I actually wanted to talk to you, Mel" Louis began after he cleared his voice. She nodded as she looked at him expectantly.

"Okay" she said after a heartbeat.

"Things have been a bit... tense lately, haven't they?" He asked, studying her expression.

She looked away and down at her perfectly manicured nails,unwilling to look him in the eyes. Louis rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. She was obviously unwilling to talk to him about the important matter.

"Melany, we need to communicate. Could you at least look at me? Don't you think I deserve more?" Louis asked, obviously offended and upset.

Melany's eyes widened in surprise.

Was he being serious?

He was the one saying he deserved more, while she waited long enough for him to even say he loved her.

"Oh you think you deserve more?! What about me?!" she asked, getting up.

The people sitting around them were now staring, their interest sparked by the potential drama. If it's something people loved to witness, it was a public fight.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Louis demanded, equally upset as he stood up as well.

"Oh I think you know exactly what I mean, Louis" she said angrily before she crossed her arms over her chest. Louis sighed with frustration as he ran his long fingers through his light brown quiff.

"You know what? I am so sick of you being so angry lately. Honestly, Melany!" he threw his arms up in surrender with a pained look on his face.

"You know what I'm sick of, Louis? I'm sick of waiting around for you! I'm not always going to be here, you know? I'm not always going to be patient with you!" She said loudly enough for everyone to hear.

Louis' face turned red with anger as his chest heaved.

"YOU WANT TO LEAVE? THEN BY ALL MEANS LEAVE! If you being patient with me turns you into this... this MONSTER then don't wait around anymore!" Louis exclaimed as he angrily grabbed his denim jacket and dashed away from her.

"Louis!" Melany called out, her voice breaking at the end with unshed tears.

He turned around and their eyes locked for a moment waiting for her to convince him to stay, convince him that she was willing to wait longer, but the words never came.

"Just give it a rest" he said tiredly before he walked away from the common room, from the mess he had just made, from the crowd that had gathered around them and from the one person he never wanted and never saw himself ever walking away from:

his girlfriend. 


Lisa was lying on her stomach as she flipped through an old magazine.

She was just in the middle of reading an article on Hollywood marriages, when the door slammed closed.

Lisa's eyes snapped up and she did a double take when she saw Melany.

Her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks were wet with tears, her dark hair was disheveled and messy, her lower lip was trembling and there was eye liner and mascara around her eyes.

Lisa leaped up from her bed and lunged towards the weeping brunette, grasping her hands and tugging her to the bed.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Lisa demanded and she hugged her best friend and rocked her back and forth like a baby.

Melany started to cry all over again as the memory of what happened washed over her once more.

She shuddered and her whole body shook with violent tears as she cried into her best friend's shoulder.

"Melany! Mel, talk to me, please!" Lisa was nearly in tears herself. She'd never seen her best friend so shook up, so torn and so broken before.

"L-Lou-Louis and I broke u-up" she said before she broke into more sobs and shudders. Lisa's eyes widened as she looked down at the weeping girl.

"What?! What happened?!" she yelled angrily.

How could he just break her heart like that?

How could he be so cruel?

How could he?

"We got into a h-huge fight i-in the c-commen room." she stuttered between sobs.

"What about?" Lisa asked as she patted her best friend's back.

"A-About us. Our re-relationship. I told h-him I was si-sick of waiting and he-he-h-he t-told me to-to leave!" Melany broke into a fit as she tried to gasp for air and cry at the same time.

Lisa looked down at her best friend with concerned eyes, thinking she might suffocate from lack of breathing.

"MELANY!" she called out loudly, but the brunette was still gasping, her lips turning blue.

Tears dribbled down Lisa's eyes.

"Melany breathe! BREATHE!" She yelled but it wasn't helping.Finally, Lisa slapped the living daylights out of Melany who drew in a large breath from surprise.

She clutched her throbbing cheek as her chest heaved for sweet oxygen. They sat like that for ten minutes until each of their breathing had adjusted and was now normal.

"Thanks for that" Melany said weakly as she sniffed loudly. Lisa shook her head.

"Don't even mention it. Do you want to talk about what happened?" Lisa asked to which Melany repsonded with a slight nod.

"He told me to leave just like that. I wanted to tell him to stay but the words never came out. I felt like the roles should have been switched. He should have been the one begging me to stay not the other way around. I'm the one who's been waiting for so long and somehow he made it look like he was the one expecting something from me! I don't understand. I thought he loved me... I really did, Lisa. But now, I guess he doesn't after all" Melany poured her heart out, slumping her shoulders as she slid under the covers.Lisa frowned as she rubbed Mel's back.

"I thought he loved you too, Mel. I really did." 

Author's Note

Second Part 

there's still the third so stay tuned


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