Chapter Three

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“Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.”

Her name suited her perfectly.

She was as beautiful as her name led on what with her long wavy brown hair, tanned complxion and beautiful gray eyes.

He had hoped his mates wouldn't have seen her so soon because he knew how they'd get over Bella.Louis sighed.

"That's Bella. She's new and she's rooming with the girls" he said briefly.

"She's really, really... attractive" Liam said, ever the gentleman.

"Li my friend, I think it's times like these that I approve of you saying damn sexy" Harry mumbled, dazed.Louis huffed.

"Stop looking at her." he snarled. The boys all eyed him suspiciously.

"What's got your knickers in a twist, carrot boy?" Niall smirked. Louis was surprised when Zayn interjected in his low, rough voice.

"Lou's right. Stop staring at her. She's probably scared enough being the new kid at school. She doesn't need to be hit on by a bunch of teenagers with raving hormones"

Zayn knew he was a teenager as well, but he had a sense of self control.

Liam cleared his throat. He was used to being the sensible on of the group which is why he felt bad when Zayn had taken his place by being the voice of reason.

"Zayn's right. Niall what are you even staring at? Kathy. Remember her? The girl you were crazy about not two seconds ago" Liam shook his head in disbelief.

Naill changed his mind as often as he ate... which was very often. Niall's face fell.

"Right. Kathy" he repeated her name and his heart fluttered, assuring him that he still liked her.


The next day, Isabella rushed to her first class. She had woken up an hour before her class so that she could curl her normally wavy hair into cute little ringlets.

She had applied her favorite black eye liner which made her light eyes pop. After hugging each of her friends good bye, she shuffled about looking for her class.

After five minutes of looking, she found the art studio at the far corner on the ground floor. She smiled as she pushed the door open, the familiar scent of turpentine washing over her senses

. The teacher, who had curly blonde hair and looked like she was in her forties, waved Isabella over to her desk.

"You must be Isabella. Welcome to your art class. The easel's are right over there and the brushes, paint and everything you'll possibly need are in the supply cupboard. Since it's the first day just paint or sketch whatever comes to mind" The teacher explained in her soft voice.

Isabella smiled and made her way to the corner with the easels. She reached for one the same moment someone else reached for it as well.

"Oh sorry" she mumbled as she looked up, only to be met by two marbles of mocha colored eyes.

The color alone was enough to make Isabella's heart flutter.

She noticed that the eyes were framed by thick, long black eye lashes that resembled that of a model's. She realized she was staring so she looked away and her face flushed with warmth.

"Here, you can have it. You had a hold on it before I did so it's clearly yours" the boy spoke.

He had one of those unforgettable voices. It was deep and rough and she instantly knew that, that voice was going to haunt her dreams. She looked up and caught a glimpse of his face.

To say he was good looking would be the understatement of the year. He was beautiful.


"No it's fine really. You can have this one" she said, her voice seemingly lower than it normally was. He smiled lop sidedly before nodded.

"As you wish" he said before grabbing the easel and hauling it over to a corner of the room.

Feeling like she needed to vent through painting, Isabella grabbed another easel, a canvas, a few brushes, a palette and the paint in the colors she needed.

She plopped her easel anywhere, not really caring or noticing where she was standing before she attacked the canvas and began her work. 

Truly Madly DeeplyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ