Chapter Fifty

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"Upon a hill across a blue lake,

That's where I had my first heartbreak.

I still remember how it all changed."

Isabella walked to the art studio rather slowly the next morning.

She had totally forgotten that Zayn was in her class after they'd spent a month seperated into different studios.

She had only just remembered last night as she lay in bed trying to fall asleep.

Naturally, sleep never came after realization sunk in that she and Zayn were going to be in the same room together in less than ten hours.

She finally stepped into the art room, pushing the heavy white door open and she immediately felt like she wanted to cry.

All the heart ache, tears and sorrow of the past weekend hit her like a ton of bricks as she recognized Zayn's familiar raven head of hair.

She kept her head down, trying her best not to make eye contact with him.

Also, she really didn't want to look at Zayn and know that she wouldn't be able to touch him, to hold him and to feel his chest pressed against hers.

Of course, the inner masochist in her had a mind of its own.

She slowly lifted her head up, sneeking a peak at the beautiful boy.

Her heart shattered into a million tiny pieces as she took in the dark circles under his slightly swollen and red rimmed eyes.

He looked like he had spent the weekend bawling his head off.

looked like me.

Bella thought as she tried not to stare at him.

She was thankful that he hadn't noticed her presence yet which gave her some time to compose herself.

God, she missed him like hell.

She was too distracted by how much she missed Zayn and how far apart they felt even though they were standing less than ten feet away from each other to realize that he had caught her looking at him.

 Zayn's heart ached as he took in Bella's appearance. She looked like she hadn't slept in days.Her ususally bright and vibrant eyes looked dull and sad.

She looked even thinner, if that was even possible considering how slender she already was, than the last time Zayn had seen her.

When realization sunk in that they were staring at each other, Bella was the first to break the long gaze by turning her head away and walking over to the front of the class for a change.

His face fell when he realized she had decided to steer clear from him, despite the fact that he was already expecting it.

He watched as she slowly prepared herself. She shrugged off her maroon blazer and donned her paint splattered apron around her narrow waist, tying her hair away from her face with an elastic from her wrist.

He watched every move she made, trying to relive the feel of her hands around his neck and on his chest while he kissed her.

He tried to picture her sweet face smiling up at him, he tried to bring back the spark from intertwining her fingers with his own.

No matter how hard he concentrated or how much he ached for her touch, all the memories did not compare to having his arm wrapped around her waist as he slowly kissed her neck and listened to her breathing hitch and her heart beat faster when ever their skin made contact.

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