Chapter Five

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"Once it has hold of you, love never lets go"

After all the classes for the day were over, Isabella made her way to the common room in search of Kathy's red flare of hair.

She spotted the red head seated in a chair reading a book. She plopped on the chair beside her and gave her a hug.

"So how was your first day?" Kathy asked as she closed her book and settled it on her thigh.

"History is complete torture but othe than that.. pretty good" Isabella said.

She wasn't ready to tell Kathy, or the other girs for that matter, about her art class and about Zayn. Even though she liked Kathy a lot, she felt like she wanted this thing with Zayn to be a little secret for a while.

Although if it was something Isabella had learned from the past was keeping secrets had the tendency to ruin great things. Nevertheless, it was too early to talk about it anyway.

For all she knew, Zayn could have a gorgeous girlfriend ten times prettier than Isabella and much more talented.One who knew how to draw trees and didn't need his assitance in doing so.

"How was your day?" Isabella asked out of curiousity. Kathy then rambled on about her science classes and how she was going to dissect a cow's eyeball in Biology next week.

She then continued by telling Isabella how funny Lisa had looked when she had fallen flat on her butt during field hockey practice earlier today.

As if by chance, Lisa's blonde head popped into the common room and she glared at Kathy. She was probably telling Isabella how Lisa had fallen, without forgetting to exaggerate of course.

Isabella, as sweet as ever, clamped her hand over her mouth to stop from laughing when Lisa plopped down on the floor, legs crossed.

"Hey girl, how was your first day?" Lisa asked. Isabella told her the same thing she had told Kathy and then the three of them walked out of the common room and to their dorm to get ready for supper. 


Zayn was skyping with his parents in Bradford when Harry Styles walked in.

He shrugged off his blazer and hung it in his wardrobe before kicking off his shoes and lying on top of his bed.

"I've gotta go. I'll talk to you later guys" Zayn told his parents before ending the video call and snapping his laptop shut.

"I. Am. So. Exhausted" Harry breathed, ennunciating every syllable as he let out a stangled sigh.

"Why, what classes did you have today?" Zayn asked, loosening his tie a bit. He couldn't take it off completely because they still had supper to go to.

"Maths, English, Sociology and then Rugby" Harry explained, his eyes fluttering closed.

Harry had a thing for rugby and he could play a decent game. Actually, he was the best one on the team and he was aware of it, which is why he always doubled his work outs and worked twice as hard during practice just to ensure that he was always the best.

Zayn nodded in understanding as he sat up in bed, zipping up his suede boots.

"Aren't you coming to supper, then?" he asked an exhausted Harry Styles. His hair was dishelved, curls covering his eyes.

"I don't think I can... physically. Could you get me a sandwich or something, though? I'm starving" Harry asked his best mate and roommate.

He fluttered his eyes open to read Zayn's expression. He wasn't smiling but his eyes were twinkling which made Harry think Zayn was in a good mood.

Hopefully, he would agree to bringing him some supper.

"Sure. I'll be back in a minute." Zayn said patting his friend on the back before leaving.

Harry smiled happily yet he couldn't help wondering why Zayn was in such a good mood. Yes Zayn was a great guy who was really funny and nice, but he was also really moody and mysterious.

Most of the time he was the quiet one who rarely spoke unless it was so say something cryptic or contribute to the conversation.Of course, he was happy for his best mate but he knew something wasn't right.

There was something going on and it was up to Harry to find out what it was. 

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