Chapter Seven

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"No one can lie, no one can hide anything, when he looks directly into someone's eyes.”

From the moment she walked into class, all five feet and six inches of her, Zayn's sleepless night came washing over him.

He smiled as images of Isabella's perfect face flooded his memory. He swore she looked even more beautiful today than she had the day before.

After sliding in beside her, whispering a hello and receiving a smile that knocked the wind out of him in response, along with a breathy "hi" he sighed heavily.

He couldn't believe the insensity of his feelings for this girl who he barely knew.

It was all forgein to him but somehow it couldn't have felt more right.  

"You'll be paired with the person sitting beside you"

that's all it took for Zayn to bite his perfectly plump lower lip to keep from bursting with happiness.

He couldn't believe it.

He was really going to be paired with Isabella.

He galnced over at her and saw her smiling. Knowing that the idea of them together pleased her made his heart flutter. Not only was he going to be paired with her, but he was also going to know everything about her, too.

This was the perfect thing he needed to get to know her. To get to know the girl he knew he could.. love.

The girl that he knew he would end up loving in the end. He knew Isabella wasn't just a girl in his art class. No she was much more that that.

There was this feeling in the pit of his stomach that she was someone vital for him. Someone he needed truly madly and deeply.

He couldn't put his emotions into words because he didn't even know what these alien emotions were.

Hopefully at the end of the month he would be able to put his emotions into art work. Because that's what he loved about art anyway.

The way it could express him in ways he thought it never could. The way a simple stroke of a brush could unveil how he truly felt the moment he was painting or how the colors had reflected his mood.

Art could always translate his scrambled thoughts into paintings, sketches and drawings.

After their art teacher was sure everyone had grasped the idea, Isabella turned to Zayn with a smile

 "So I guess we're going to be partners" she said sweetly. He smiled and edged closer towards her.

"Mrs. Potter said we had to take notes on our likes and dislikes" she added, grabbing a notepad and pencil. Zayn copied her actions and smiled.

"Ladies first" he nudged his pencil into her elbow and she giggled.

"Well first and foremost my name is Isabella Somers. Okay well likes: painting, obviously" she rolled her eyes at her own siliness.

"I love nature. Hiking, rock climbing.. stuff like that. I mean I like it but I never really do it. I'm too scared of all the bad things that could happen" she rambled on softly.

Zayn's eyed widened at her openness yet he liked the fact that she was comfortable enough to share personal information with him.

"What do you mean 'all the bad things'?" Zayn asked. He was taking notes in his notepad as he listened intently.

"Well" she bit her lip and tucked her hair behind her ear. She was simply adorable and Zayn couldn't stop thinking about how cute she looked while she was thinking.

Truly Madly Deeplyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن