Chapter Thirteen

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“If I know what love is, it is because of you.” 

Isabella floated to her empty dorm room on a cloud.

She could still feel her skin tingling from where Zayn had held on to her while they were dancing. His beautiful voice was echoing through her head as she sat down on her bed and looked over the notes she had taken of him today.

She knew that she needed to start working on the actual artwork before the end of the month which was the date of the art exhibition and the submisson date of the projects.

As she read the notes on Zayn, she couldn't help but smile as she remembered being near him and feeling his warm breath on her face as he spoke.

She decided the project was going to be an abstract painting and she set her alarm early the next morning to get a head start.

She changed out of her uniform and into simple pink cotton shorts and a tank top before brushing her teeth and slipping into bed.The thought of being with Zayn the next day lulled her to sleep as her eyes fluttered closed.

The next morning, she was rudely awoken by her obnoxious alarm clock.

Huffing and puffing, she quickly got showered and dressed. With her book bag slung over her shoulder and the notepad in her hand, she made her way to Studio 2.

She was surprised to see that the Sudio wasn't empty. In fact, it seemed like they were supposed to arrive this early.

Nonetheless, Isabella grabbed an easel, smiling softly as she remembered the first time she had done that, chose the perfect size for a canvas along with the palette, paint and brushes she needed.

She tied her wavy curls into a messy bun and rolled up the sleeves of her white dress shirt after shrugging off her maroon blazer.

Slowly sketching the outline of the painting, she let her thoughts of Zayn cloud her brain as she worked.

Mrs. Potter checked on them every once in a while, checking to see what everyone was doing and giving helpful advice and tips as she walked around.

She stopped to have a look at Isabella's painting. Striking a thinkr's pose, Mrs. Potter squinted her eyes and bit her lip.

"I'll be explaining the painting on the day of the exhibition" Isabella added as she watched her teacher study her painting. Mrs. Potter smiled softly.

"Well done" she whispered before disappearing behind easels and canvases.

Isabella returned to her painting and sketched in a few minor details before the bell rang.

"Okay students pack up and don't forget to place her paintings on the windowsill. Remember that you are welcome to use the studio during your free hours and afte school!"

Mrs. Potter called out to her students. Isabella smiled at her teacher before leaving. 

Isabella recognized Kathy's red hair ten feet away.

"Kathy!" she called out causing the pretty red head to turn around and smile.

"Hey Bella. How was that thing with Zayn yesterday?" Kathy asked as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Isabella smiled at the memory of her and Zayn slow dancing in the abandoned music room.

"It was great. Better than great, actually. He taught me how to slow dance" she said softly.

Kathy's eyes widened.

"Oh he's good! So has he asked you out yet?" Kathy asked as the both of them made their way to the common room. Isabella shook her head.

"No he hasn't. We've been really busy focusing on the art project." she explained to her red headed friend.

"Well, don't worry I'm sure he will really soon. So are you guys going to spend the day together?"

Kathy asked as they wandered around the hallways.

"Yeah." Isabella breathed happily.

"Oh gosh you're worse than Melany!" Kathy said loudly which caused Isabella to laugh.

"Oh you're one to talk Mrs. Horan!" Isabella countered with a sly grin.

Kathy blushed deeply so that her cheeks were now the same color as her hair.

"Is it just me or does Kathy Horan sound strangely appealing?" she mumbled to herself.

Isabella smiled and hugged her new best friend.

"No I think I like it too, Kath. Speaking of the devil" she added as Niall Horan came into their view.

Kathy's face instantly lit up and a goofy smile made its way onto her face.

He was wearing the same sloppy grin which made Bella smile to herself.

"I'll leave you two alone" she mumbled before heading straight to the common room. 

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