Chapter Fifty Five

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"Hey now call it a spliff 'cause you know that you will

Oh you bite your friends like chocolate

You say, we'll go where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats

No we're never gunna' quit it, no we're never gunna' quit it no"

Isabella shook her head in disbelief.

Harry's words still hadn't sunk in and she was unable to comprehend what he had said.

It just didn't make sense. Harry was Zayn's best friend and they had known each other for years. How could he just betray him like he had?

It was one thing to talk about your best friend behind their backs, but what's worse is he hadn't said one honest word.

Of course Zayn deserved Isabella. They were perfect for each other. He had never meant to hurt her and he was so devastated and heart broken afterwards.

Isabella was too caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realize which way she was headed. Before she could lift her gaze from the floor, she bumped into a familiar figure.

"Oh sorry" Isabella mumbled idly before she looked up to find the shock of blonde hair that belonged to the Irish man.

"Bella, where have you been? Kathy's been looking for you" Niall said as worry flashed across his face.

"Oh I was just out for some fresh air" she mumbled absent mindedly, her heart still dwelling on Harry's false words from earlier that evening.

"Hey, you okay? You seem a little... troubled?" Niall scrunched his nose up as he tried to read her expression. She shook her head before she bit her lip.

"Niall, do you think Zayn doesn't deserve me?" Isabella asked as she shuffled her Converse cladded feet on the ground.

Niall furrowed his brow in confusion. Harry had said those exact words to him that day he found out Harry was in love with Bella.

"Of course not. Who told you that?" Niall asked even though he already knew the answer.

"No one." Isabella shifted her weight on one foot. He shook his head as he held her gaze.

The fact that she avoided making eye contact proved that she had been lying.

"You suck at lying, Bella. Just tell me. You can trust me, can't you?" He asked as he folded his arms over his chest and waited for her to come clean.

Sighing loudly and finally lifting her head up to look at him, she opened her mouth to confirm what Niall already knew.

"Harry" she said simply. Niall shook his head with disbelief and anger.

Harry had no right whatsoever to say that to Bella. He couldn't believe that Harry had just said that. He should have been defending and supporting Zayn not plunging a knife into his back.

What he had done was wrong on so many different levels. Niall's face fell in realization that Harry had probably even confessed his feelings for Bella.

"Did he say anything else to you?" Niall demanded impatiently as he was already mentally climbing up the stairs to beat the shit out of Harry.

Isabella's head dropped as she studied her shoes and shrugged her slender shoulders. Niall anticipated resistance and lifted her chin so that he could look her dead in the eyes.

"Tell me, Bella. I know that he did you just have to confirm it. Please." Niall begged, his eyes starting to lose the spark of hope as she stayed quiet.

Finally after what felt like a century she opened her mouth.

"He- He told me that he... that he has feelings for me." she said slowly, cringing as she remembered the unpleasant details. Niall's eyes flared with anger.

There was just one more thing he had to know.

One more thing that was killing him.

"Did. He. Make. A. Move. On. You?" Niall asked, his teeth clenched. Bella nodded slowly and that's all it took for Niall to sprint down the corridors and around the hallway to get to Zayn and Harry's dorm.

Isabella watched as he turned in the direction of the flight of stairs that led to the dorms. She sucked in a sharp breath as she realized Niall's intentions.

He was going to tell Zayn.

He was going to tell Zayn that his best friend, Harry, made a move on the only girl he ever loved.

Harry was dead.

"Ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit" Isabella said as he ran after Niall.

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