Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Give me love like her,

'Cause lately I've been waking up alone.

Paint splatted tear drops on my shirt,

Told you I'd let them go"

Melany was seated beside the window as she let the few rays of sunlight that were cast by the twilight, warm her face.

She had her favorite book open and was already half way done with reading it.

Her attempts in getting her mind off Louis were successful but every once in a while she had a vague aching in her heart that she could never really disregard fully.

It was only when his heart breakingly familiar scent awokened her senses and ignited a fire within her that her head snapped up.

She couldn't believe he was actually standing in front of her looking as gorgeous as ever in his light brown sweater and red pants.

His hair was styled to perfection and he was smiling a little uneasily at her. Melany couldn't help smiling back at him.

She had missed him immensely and seeing him now made all her emotions from earlier today on the green field and all her emotions through the past week bubble up and make an appearance.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" Louis asked in his perfect voice as he glanced down at the empty seat opposite her.

She shook her head, the smile still on her face as he took  seat. Louis scooted the seat closer to her so that they were sitting dangerously close.

She could hear the beating of his heart and could smell the minty shampoo he used. He tentatively took her tiny hands in his before he looked down at them and smiled.

Looking up, he opened his mouth to speak.

"I've missed you so much" he whispered.

His voice was raw, holding emotion she was sure mirrored hers. She bit her lip before she bravely held his penetrating blue eyed gaze.

"Oh Louis." she gushed before she leaped into his lap, wrapping her frail arms around his tanned neck.

She lightly sobbed into the crook of his neck as she remembered the feeling of emptiness that followed losing him. He patted her back in soothing circles.

"Shhh baby. I know. I know" he whispered. Her heart almost broke all over again as she heard that pet name roll off his tongue.

It was bittersweet to her ears and she missed hearing it. 

After her crying subsided, she stepped back to look at him. His eyes were glassy and she felt like he was about to cry as well.

"Mel, I know we both said things we didn't mean. Even though I only lost you for a week it felt like a lifetime and I don't ever want to feel that way again. It was horrible and I felt like there was a big hole in my heart. Mel, please... please don't ever leave me"

He was crying now. Salty tears were pooling around his eyes as he slowly confessed eveything he was feeling and everything he had felt.

Melany slowly wiped away his tears with the pads of her fingers before she kissed the corners of his eyes.

Louis' eyes shot open at the gesture before he kissed her forehead. The common room was now empty after Harry and Liam had practically hauled them out.

Besides, everyone who was sat there understood that Louis and Melany needed to sort things out on their own.

"Say it" Louis sobbed, his voice thick with raw emotion.

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