Chapter Nine

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Author's Note:

HEYYYY there my lovely readers and fellow directioners,

who else can't wait till Monday for the Best Song Ever music video. By the way, the song got leaked so go and download it now because it seriously ruined my life.

OH god even as a fat old guy I still fantasize about Niall.

"Because, if you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back. . . then that love had to be real. It hurt too much to be anything else."

Niall Horan found it hard to eat supper later that day. He sat there, surrounded by all his best mates, yet felt completely empty on the inside.

What gives? He asked himself.

He couldn't believe the fact that his brain and stomach were rejecting the idea of food.

Not only did he not feel hungry, but he suddenly felt sick as well. What had happened to him? He was perfectly fine before...

Well, he was perfectly fine before running into Kathy on the way to the dining room.

She had looked like her usual stunning self. Her red hair in a messy bun and her green eyes shining.

She had greeted him with a casual hello and he found himself raking his brains to come up with an excuse to sit with her, talk to her and generally just be in her presence.

The moment ended way too soon and Niall's stomach dropped.

Why was he so affected by Kathy? He wanted her so badly. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything else in his life.

The question wasn't whether he wanted her or not.

The question was, did he like her enough to look past the potential rejection?

At times, when he wasn't around her, he felt like he could live without her.

But other times which contributed to the majority of the time, which included this very momemt, he felt like he couldn't care less about being rejected as long as Kathy knew just how much he liked her.

He was pretty sure she was oblivious. He had even gone to the trouble of telling her he was into someone else to make sure she didn't think he liked her.

He was such a complete moron sometimes.

He found himself wondering what would happen if he were to tell Kathy how he felt and for her to return his feelings. He found himself smiling at the crazy idea but something inside of him told him it wasn't that insane.

Niall was dragged out of his thoughts when one of his best mates waved his hand in front of Niall's face.

"Nialler, you okay there? You barely touched your food. Are you sick or something?" A concerned Liam Payne asked.

Niall was definitely sick...sick of waiting around for himself to tell Kathy how he really felt.

"I think so. I don't feel too well." Niall shrugged and Liam patted his shoulder.

"Do you want some tea?" Liam pressed. Niall shook his head.

"No, not at the moment. Thanks, Li" They hugged it out before Harry stood up.

"I'm going to go talk to coach Peterson. See ya guys later, yeah?" He started towards the teachers' table.

Liam stood up, straightening his blazer before smiling warmly.

"I'm going to go to the common room" he announced. Louis shot up from his place.

"Oh I'll come with. I need to meet Melany to go over my English notes anyway." he explained.

As Liam and Louis left, Niall sunk lower in his seat as he looked across the table at Zayn.

"What's really the matter with you?" Zayn asked point blank. Niall's mouth flew open in surprise

"Um I well I.. I don't feel well. I think I've got a cold or something" Niall began as he nearly choked after making a big fuss of coughing like he had pneumonia.

Zayn rolled his eyes at his overly dramatic best frien

"One: Never, ever consider becoming an actor. Two: you're my best mate, don't you think I'd know when something's up with you?" Zayn smirked before Niall's face fell.

"Fine. It's about Kathy. I can't stop thinking about her, Zayn. " Niall said looking both sad and happy at the same time.

That's what loves does to you, makes you feel shaken to your very core but if it's true love then, in the end it's worth it.

"You know what I think, Nialler? I think you should go right up to Kathy right now and tell her how you really feel" Zayn said. Niall furrowed his brow.

"I can't just do that." he said. Zayn sighed heavily.

"Look Niall, I know that you really like... might even love this girl. You've been fantasizing about her for two years now and you've been doodling her name on your binder since the moment she stole your favorite snapback. I know how it feels, to be scared and excited at the same time, relaxed ad nervous, happy because you've found a person who makes you feel that way yet so bloody afraid that everything will slip through your fingers. I know how it is, to feel like your drowning, like you can't breathe... trust me, I do. I also know how it feels to have no one by your side. I also know the feeling of having no one, being alone and no one understanding you ... given both choices, which one would you choose, Ni?"

That's all it took for Niall Horan to stomp right up to Kathy's dorm on the third floor.

Oh, how many times he found himself standing in front of the plain white door, willing himself to tell her. Repeating what he would say to her once she opened the door.He found himself knocking urgently on the door before an aggitated Kathy opened it.

And suddenly, despite the fact that Niall was unrehersed and unprepared he knew that everything was going to be alright because Zayn was right, who on earth would choose loneliness when he or she had the chance to be with someone who not only makes them happy but understands them?

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