Chapter Forty Seven

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"As twisted as it seems, I only fear love when it's in my dreams"

Harry Styles shrugged off his navy blue blazer and tossed it over his desk as he walked into his dorm.

Unfortunately, Zayn was lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Where have you been?" Zayn asked as he glared at his best friend and roommate.

Harry narrowed his eyes, his hands balled into fists as he tried to control his temper.

"Before or after you broke Bella's heart?" Harry hissed in his raspy voice.

Zayn sat up, his eyes wide with shock and anger which was a dangerous combination.

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about" Zayn snapped, his voice could cut diamonds.

"Don't act like this has nothing to do with me!" Harry yelled, his temper finally getting the best of him as he suddenly lost control.

Zayn scoffed bitterly before he stood up and walked over to Harry so that they were only two inches apart.

"It doesn't have anything to do with you!" Zayn retaliated loudly.

Harry's face scrunched up in anger and he could feel the heat rising to his face.

"Oh really?! Well it just so happens that when you were too busy sucking face with Bianca. I was the one comforting Bella and drying her tears after she cried for a whole hour. So spare me the lecture about how I have nothing to do with this!"

Harry yelled loudly, his deep and raspy voice vibrated off the walls of the dorm and bounced back in one swift motion.

Zayn's face softened with sadness when Harry mentioned Bella's crying but then hardened almost instantly.

"You should stay the fuck away from Bella, Harry!" Zayn snarled loudly.

Harry laughed bitterly as he shook his head, his soft chocolate brown curls bouncing up and down.

"It really doesn't concern you who Bella hangs out with anymore. After that stunt you just pulled, you should be thankful if she looks in your direction from now on. How could you fucking do that, Zayn? Does she mean nothing to you?" Harry asked, disbelief laced in his tone.

Zayn's eyes narrowed into slits as he gritted his teeth.

"I told you, Harry. You. Don't. Know. What. The. Hell. You're. Talking. About." Zayn reapeated as his chest heaved up and down.

"So just shut the fuck up before I do some serious damage to your face" Zayn threatened with a wicked smile.

Harry scoffed before he waved his hand dismissively.

"Oh, why don't you just go cheat on an innocent girl some more? Is that how you get your kicks, Zayn? By breaking poor girls' hearts?!"

Harry yelled one last time before he grabbed his blazer and whipped his head as he started towards the door.

Stepping outside, he made his way down to the last dorm on their floor. Knocking on the white washed door idetical to all the others, he waited for a moment before a smiling Liam Payne opened it.

His face fell as he took in Harry's current state: chest heaving, eyes narrowed, curls disheveled like he had been constantly running his fingers through them and lips set into a firm line.

Liam's burrows furrowed as he tried to read his best friend's expression.

"Can I stay here for the night? Zayn's being a complete dick"

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