Chapter Eleven

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"You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It's not overrated. There's a reason for all those songs."

The next day dragged on for what felt like eternity but really was a normal school day.

Maybe it was the anticipation of something phenomenal yet to come at the end of the day that made it so bloody long? Isabella glanced down at her watch for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

Ten more minutes until she would be around Zayn. Yesterday, after hearing the great news about Kathy and Niall, Isabella had wished for that to happen with her.

She spent that night dreaming of Zayn and the possibility of him doing the same. She slept with a smile on her face at the thought of Zayn being hers. She woke up to emptiness, realizing it was only a dream.

However, the thought of seeing him today made her feel a tad bit better. Which is why she found herself counting the seconds until the bell rang.

She zoomed out of class and headed directly to the common room in search of the raven quiff that had inhabited her dreams.

Finally, she found him by the fireplace, his notepad in hand as he, too, searched for his partner. As his eyes landed on the beautiful Isabella, he smiled slowly and waved her over.

She smiled and plopped down beside him.

"Hi" he greeted her with a hug to which she immeidately felt her body reacting to.

"Hi" she breathed, her breath tickling his neck and sending a shiver down his spine.

He shifted in his seat to hide the effect she had on him.

"Ready to get to know me even better?" Zayn asked with a smirk.

"Absolutely" Isabella nodded, did he seriously need to ask?

"So instead of the trivial things, tell me something real about you" She asked looking deeply into his eyes. Zayn tapped his chin while he was in deep thought.

"I can't swim and I'm afraid of heights" he revealed.

"You know I'm a great swimmer, I could always teach you" She offered.

Zayn had gotten mulitiple offers from his four best mates, his friends back home and relatives to teach him how to swim, but he always turned them down.

But, he just couldn't do the same to Isabella, not with her eyes glimmering with hope and her mouth upturned in a beauitful smile.

Instead of rejecting her offer, he smiled and nodded.

"I'd love that. But, I'm not such a quick learner so you'll have to be patient with me" he warned her which made he giggle.

"I'm always patient" she told him.

"Tell me more things" Isabella pressed and he nodded.

"Well I'm more of a cat person and I've been told I'm a great dancer." He smirked.She smiled.

"Well that makes one of us" she scribbled what he had said down on her notepad and looked up to find a gaping Zayn.

"What?" she snapped with a smile.

"You can't dance?" He managed to ask. She shook her head.

"No, not even so save my life" she smirked.

"Well," Zayn abruptly stood up from his comfy seat in the common room and grabbed Isabella's wrist.

"That's about to change. Follow me" he told her as they walked down the corridor, turned to the left and down another hall to find a door at the far corner.

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