Chapter 1

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Candace in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


Ten Years Prior...

Quietly walking out of her room, Candace tiptoed to her brother's room, while her parents were downstairs, arguing. Walking up to the edge of the bed, she lightly tapped her brother, trying to get him to wake up.

"Caleb..." Candace whispered while shaking him awake from his slumber.

"What Candace?" Caleb whined.

"I can't sleep." Candace said.

"Why didn't you just go in mom and dad's room??" Caleb groaned as he pulled the covers over his head.

"They're downstairs arguing again." Candace said in a sad tone.

"C'mon..." Caleb said as he quietly jumped out of his bed, grabbing his sister's hand. Their parents had been arguing a lot more lately, usually when the two had gone off to bed. Walking to the head of the stairs, Candace and Caleb sat down on the steps as they listened to their parents argue.

"I said I was sorry! How many times do you want me to say it?!" Keith, their father, yelled.

"Sorry doesn't change what you've done. I can't believed you'd to this to me, to our family!" Diane, their mother, cried out.

"It was an honest mistake. I love you with all of my heart. I told you what happened because we're married. I can't keep anything from you. You're my wife. Would you rather me keep this horrid secret from you or lie about where I'm going and who I'm with??" Keith asked, taking a seat on the sofa.

"You not telling me would've been better than having to go through this pain I feel right now. This is a cruel sin! Adultery! You're supposed to be a pastor, yet you contradict everything that you preach!" Diane exclaimed.

"If I could apologize a million times, I would. I would never purposely try to do anything to ruin our family. We're a team. For better or for worse. For richer or for poorer. In sickness and in health, until death do us part." Keith said, reciting his vows.

"I just need some time to think. You can sleep on the couch tonight." Diane said before walking towards the staircase. Hearing her footsteps, Candace and Caleb quickly stood up and ran back to Caleb's room. They were certain that their mother had heard them running back inside of the room. Laying down on Caleb's bed, Candace thought about everything that she had just heard.

"Are mommy and daddy still going to be together?" Candace asked Caleb.

"I don't know Candace." Caleb said before covering his head with his pillow.

"I hope all men aren't like dad...." Candace sighed to herself before drifting off to sleep.


Present Day:

Writing down a few notes, Candace sunk in her seat as she continued to listen to her professor's lecture. Her professor's lectures were always long winded and fast paced. Checking her watch, Candace slowly sat upright in her seat, waiting for the class to be dismissed. Once 12 o'clock hit, the professor's alarm went off and all of the students exited the classroom.

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