Chapter 44: Trial & Error

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Why did Tron wait until Rome was gone to come back in the picture?

Will Candace stick with Rome or give up on him?

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- Asia 💫



I sat up in the bed, watching ESPN as I awaited Candace to come home. It was 2am and I haven't seen or heard from her all night. She told me that she'd be going out with Crystal and the rest of her friends tonight. All I knew was that I was ready for my baby to finally be here.

Candace has been acting different towards me lately. She says she forgives me and she allowed me to move back in but things are just off. It almost seems as if she's trying to avoid me in my own house. She suddenly doesn't like physical contact, our conversations are short, and she goes out almost every night now. I don't know what's up with her.

My attention turned to the bedroom door as I saw it open with Candace stumbling inside.

"Hey." She smiled, closing the door behind her.

"Hi." I said lowly, watching her drop her stuff down.

She was obviously drunk. I watched as she walked to the bathroom, taking the makeup off of her face.

"You have fun?" I asked her as she emerged from the bathroom.

"Soooo much fun." Candace smiled before she stripped down, leaving her in only her bra and panties before she crawled into bed.

"You wearing that to bed?" I asked, smirking as I scooted closer to her.

"Wow I'm tired." She yawned.

"All of a sudden.." I lightly chuckled while looking on at her.

"I'm sorry Rome." She pouted before closing her eyes.

"Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?" I asked before she quickly pecked my lips and laid back down.

"Goodnight." Candace said before turning over with her back facing me.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I groaned as I moved away from her.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she turned to face me.

"You've been acting really weird Candace." I huffed as she sat up.

"How?" She asked confusedly. I ignored her and laid down. "Tell me how." She whined as she moved over to me.

"Ever since all this shit happened with Sydney, you don't even look at me the same. Shit's just not the same between us and I don't know why. I can barely get a kiss or a hug from you. I can't cuddle up with you. I can't touch you at all. Like what's up with that? What's up with you?" I stated.

"Rome..." She started to say.

"You go out with your little 'friends' almost every night then you come home smelling like you drunk all the bottles at a bar. I'm seeing pictures of you online clubbing and shit but you can't even spend quality time with your fiancé." I exclaimed as a look of sadness came over her.

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