Chapter 20 (Finale)

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It's only been 20 chapters and Rome has turned Candace completely out. 😂

This is the first half of this book. After this chapter, there will be a lot of fast forwarding.

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- Asia 💫


Candace and Rome were quiet the entire car ride while they sat and listened to his parents lecture them. Richard was furious. Rome never seen his dad so upset with him before.

"You two couldn't wait??" Richard asked them while driving.

"I understand that you two are in college, hormones are racing. You can't really control yourselves. But there's a time and place for everything." Sherri said calmly.

"They're lucky it was us that walked in and not someone else. What were you thinking??" Richard said as he looked back at Rome.

"It wasn't Rome's idea, I..." Candace began to say before she turned to Rome.

"Shut up." Rome muttered loud enough for her to hear.

"I told you she was a distraction. I didn't send you off to college for this. I don't like this. I don't like this one bit. I'm sorry but you two need to bring this relationship to a halt. You could be using your free time on basketball, not to lollygag with some girl!" Richard exclaimed as he pulled into the parking lot.

"Some girl?" Rome questioned as he took off his seatbelt. "Some girl happens to be my girlfriend. I'm not ending our relationship just because you don't approve of it. I understand that you're mad but people make mistakes everyday. You're right, her and I shouldn't have done that at the auction but we did. It happened. What can we really do about it now? You can't undo the past."

"But you can definitely change the present and future." Richard said as he looked at the two.

"Man... What the fuck!" Rome said as he started to get frustrated.

"Watch your mouth please." Sherri told him.

"You know what, I think I'm just going to head back to my dorm. I'm sorry about all of this. Thank you for the ride." Candace said before getting out of the car.

"I don't want you dealing with her anymore." Richard told Rome again. "You have a game tomorrow night. You need to stay focused."

"Fuck it." Rome said with an attitude before getting out of the car and catching up with Candace. "Hey, you good?" He asked her as she stopped and turned to him.

"You said your dad liked me, but from what I heard in that car, it's the complete opposite." Candace shook her head as she sat down on the bench. "Why didn't you just tell me that he didn't like me?"

"Because I didn't want you to focus on that negative energy. What good would it have done if I told you how he felt? I didn't feel a need to bring it up because I care about your happiness. I love when you're happy. My dad just doesn't understand." Rome said as he sat down beside her.

"If I'm truly a distraction for you, then maybe your dad is right. Maybe we don't need to be together." Candace said while Rome shook his head.

"You're not a distraction for me though. My dad just wants me to focus more on basketball." Rome sighed.

"And maybe that's what you need to do. I think we're both distracting each other, to be honest. We don't even really hangout with our friends anymore because we're always together. We've both skipped classes just to spend a whole day with each other. I'm doing things that I would've never considered doing before I started dating you. You're getting in trouble with your parents because of me. As a couple, we're supposed to be a good influence on each other. I feel like I'm a huge hindrance in your life right now." Candace explained.

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