Chapter 12

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Rome really pulled a "my Candace". 😂

Spring break trip coming up! Candace in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


Myrtle Beach

Arriving at the beach house, everyone was eager to get inside after a pretty long car ride. Sydney was cordial to the other girls mainly because Rome told her to be but it was getting obvious that Sydney wasn't really interested in befriending any of them. Walking inside, everyone looked around at the beautifully designed home.

"This shit is sick!" Teddy exclaimed as he looked around.

"Your unc is cool with us being here, right?" Tron asked Sydney.

"Definitely. I come here to vacation all the time." Sydney smiled.

"So where are we sleeping?" Crystal questioned.

"Okay so there's four bedrooms. I guess Kev and Toni will have to share if y'all don't mind." Sydney said as they all walked upstairs.

"I don't mind." Kev said while Toni agreed.

"Okay good. I was under the impression that everyone who was coming was going to be a couple or something close to it but I guess we just invite anybody...." Sydney said while all of the girls gave her a weird look. "Anyways.... Rome and I will be sleeping in the master bedroom. Candace and Tron can sleep in the room next to ours. Crystal and Teddy can sleep in the room across from ours and Kev and Toni can sleep in the room across from Tron and Candace." She said as she showed everyone their rooms.

"What we got going on for dinner?" Kev asked.

"This chef is gonna come and cook for us." Sydney smiled.

"That sounds good. I'm about to go shower and unpack before it's time to eat." Rome said while everyone agreed before walking into their rooms.


Putting on her heels, Sydney stood as she looked on at herself in the mirror. Watching as she looked on at herself, Rome got up from the chair and walked up behind Sydney before wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What do you think?" Sydney asked as she looked in the mirror.

"You look beautiful as always." Rome said as he kissed her cheek while she blushed. "But it's just dinner though. Why you getting all dressed up?"

"I wanted to show off my dress that my baby got me." Sydney smiled.

"No need to show it off if I'm the only one that's gonna be taking it off of you later." Rome whispered into her ear while she giggled.

"You think so?" Sydney asked.

"I know so." Rome replied, roaming his hands down her side.

"Don't get too eager. Save it for after dinner." Sydney smiled as she walked out of his embrace.

"Just make sure you keep the heels on." Rome said as he followed her downstairs. Grabbing his hand to hold, Sydney guided Rome to the dining room where everyone was already seated.

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