Chapter 43: Bail

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Why would Crystal tell the police where Rome was? 😒

Is Candace done with Rome for good?

And who is Gunz??

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- Asia 💫



"Helllooooooo!!" I said excitedly as I walked inside of the house from Candace's house.

"Crystal!" Teddy ran to the foyer. "The police came! They arrested Rome!"

"I know." I replied, walking to the living room.

"This shit is fucked up. I know Rome didn't do it. He-" Teddy started to say before stopping himself. "Wait... How you know?"

"I gave them our address." I said as he started laughing. "What?"

"Don't fuck with me Crystal." Teddy said as he sat down across from me.

"I'm serious. I was with Candace and the police showed up. They were looking for Rome so I gave them our address." I shrugged.

"Why the hell you keep involving yourself in this shit?" Teddy groaned. You could hear the anger in his voice.

"Let's be real Teddy, the police asked Candace and you know she's not gonna tell them because she obviously still loves him but they needed to hear the truth. You can't lie to the police." I justified.

"Still though, they ain't ask you for shit, they asked Candace! You really want my nigga to fail." Teddy shook his head.

"He needs to be punished. I wasn't about to keep housing a criminal. He got my house all dirty and eating up all our food. He needed to go." I told him.

"How the fuck can you even say that shit?" Teddy shouted. "We've known Rome since college. I know he may be a hoe at times but you know how much he loves Candace! And you know that he would do anything to keep her happy. It's not like him to do something like what Sydney is accusing him of doing. I'm gonna testify when he goes to court. I'm not about to let that hoe try to defame him. And I'm not about to let you talk about him any type of way. You tripping Crys. Rome's innocent."

"How can you be so sure?" I questioned.

"Candace is all he talks about! He fucking proposed to her! Why would he do something to jeopardize that?? After all the breaking up and making up, do you really think he would do something to fuck it up again? And you know how crazy Sydney is. That hoe is capable of anything." Teddy exclaimed.

"If you truly believe that he didn't do it, then I'll back you up on it..." I sighed.

"Thank you. One of us needs to talk to Candace too." Teddy spoke.

"I think we both should. It's best for her to have two people in her ear telling her the same thing." I nodded my head.

"Her ass better not be talking reckless either. I ain't gonna let her throw dirt on his name. Imma tell it like it is." Teddy said adamantly.

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