Chapter 41: Family Matters - Part 1

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Rome and Candace can never keep a secret. 😭

What's up with Chanel's boyfriend though?

There's only about 5 more chapters left for this book. Thank you all for reading. There might be a sequel. 👀

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- Asia 💫



Since Rome and I both slipped up and told people about our engagement, we decided that it was time to tell our friends and family, mostly our parents though since they're out of the loop. We invited our parents to come and stay a week with us. I had to admit, I was pretty nervous about telling them the news. I know my parents will be fine with it but it's Rome's dad who I'm worried about. He has this really deep hatred towards my relationship with Rome and I don't know what to do about it anymore...

"What you thinking about?" Rome asked as he stirred awake, turning to me.

"Nothing. Just can't sleep." I lied as I snuggled up to him.

"You're usually knocked by now, especially after we..." Rome started to say, winking at me.

"Yeah I know. I've just been thinking about this engagement party and stuff." I shrugged.

"Don't tell me you're having second thoughts...?" Rome questioned.

"No, not at all. You know I want this more than anything." I assured him. "I'm just nervous about telling our parents, mostly yours."

"For what?" Rome asked as he sat up in the bed.

"You know how your dad is..." I said hesitantly. "What if he gets upset about it?"

"Fuck what that nigga thinks!" Rome blurted out.

"But Rome.. He's your dad. His opinion does mean something." I told him.

"It really doesn't..." He chuckled, shaking his head. "His opinion not gonna make me change my mind marrying you. Last time I checked, there were only two people in a relationship. He can put in his two cents all he wants and tell me how much he disapproves but he's not the one getting married so I honestly don't give a fuck."

I watched as Rome laid back down and drifted off to sleep again. He did have a point. Richard's opinion really didn't matter but for some reason, I'm still kinda seeking some sort of approval from him. I just want everything to run smoothly...


"Your house is beautiful!" My grandma said as we pulled up to the house from the airport.

"Thanks grams." I smiled before we both got out of the car.

Rome's family and my parents both flew in last night. I picked my grandmother up from the airport today and Caleb would be coming in tomorrow. This was about to be a long week and the fact that Rome's dad literally bumps heads with all of us doesn't make matters better.

I popped open the trunk as I saw Rome eagerly walk out of the house.

"Hi Ms.Beverly." Rome smiled, greeting my grandmother as I attempted to pick up her luggage. She must have rocks in here.

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