Chapter 35: The Problem

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Candace got her man back! 😍🙌🏽 Romance has risen from the dead.

Y'all think Jourdan deserved that beating?

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- Asia 💫



After pulling up at her house that night, I haven't seen or heard from Jourdan since, which is a good thing. She finally confirmed that her and Rome wasn't engaged anymore and she wasn't really pregnant, which we all knew. I never mentioned me going over to Jourdan's house to Rome and hopefully he doesn't find out. He told me not to bother her but do I ever listen?

I kinda wish I did listen to Rome though. Ever since I fought Jourdan, my wrist and my back has been killing me. It hurts to bend over, it hurts to grip things, everything just hurts. I've been trying to keep this from Rome. I don't want him to see me in pain. The moment he finds out, he'll get all suspicious and start interrogating me. At this point, what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

Practice was hell for me today. All of these new elaborate routines had to go. I was way too weak and fragile to be doing all of this.

"Candace could you at least attempt to keep up with the rest?" The dance director asked as she walked over to me. "What's going on with you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just in a little bit of pain right now." I told her. "I'll be fine though."

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

"Positive. Nothing to worry about." I assured her before I got into position with the rest of the girls.

Dancing was such a struggle for me at the moment. It was clear that I wasn't okay. I was lagging behind. I could see the frustration on the dance director's face. I was trying to fight through the pain but it was unbearable at this point.

"You know what, let's just stop." The dance director said while shaking her head. "Let's just call it a day. See you all the same time tomorrow morning."

I was relieved to be done with practice. I needed a massage or something. I had to be right before the next game. If not, I would be in some serious trouble. The Heat Dancers didn't hesitate with removing people from the team. I had to get it together.

"What's wrong Candace? Is sleeping with someone else's boyfriend starting to make you weak?" Alex asked me as we all made our way inside of the locker room.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her confusedly.

"Word on the street is that you're dating Rome Davis. I'm just confused on how one day he can be engaged and then the next day he's with you. Makes me wonder if he cheated." Alex stated.

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