Chapter 8

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Awh Rome doesn't like Candace back ☹️ or was he lying?

New character added: Sydney in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


One Week Later...

Walking out of his last class for the day, Rome put his headphones on as the music blared in his ears. Rome hasn't talked to Candace since the night of the dinner. Neither of them have made an effort to talk to the other. It wasn't that Rome was avoiding her, things were just awkward after Rome told her how he felt. He didn't want her to catch any type of feelings for him so it was best for him to just keep his distance. Plus, he didn't want any problems with Caleb. Walking inside of the coffee shop, Rome ordered his usual drink before sitting down at a table. Looking around, Rome did his regular people watching. It was a natural habit for him to sit and observe everyone and everything. He was very attentive. Rome then turned his attention to a girl who had just dropped a pile of flyers. Nobody got up to help her so Rome, being the gentleman that he was, got up and helped her pick them up.

"Thank you so much!" The girl said as she looked up at Rome.

"No problem." Rome said as he picked up the rest of the flyers.

"Well since you helped me, I might as well give you one." She smiled before passing him a flyer.

"Volleyball. You play?" He asked her before his name was called for his drink.

"Yeah, captain this year." She said excitedly as she walked with him to get his drink.

"Ahhh, so they got the pressure on you." Rome smiled as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, but I love it. Our first game is tomorrow night. You should come." She suggested.

"Hmmmm, I think I just might. I know a girl who just got on the team." Rome said.

"Really? What's her name?" The girl asked.

"Candace." Rome replied.

"Ohhhh the freshman. She's really good." She said.

"Yeah, what's your name though? It would be nice to have a name go with that beautiful face." Rome said while the girl blushed. He was definitely flirting now.

"Sydney." She told him.

"Now I got a pretty name to go with that pretty face of yours. Nice to meet you Sydney. I'm Rome." Rome smirked.

"You're definitely the flirt huh?" Sydney asked while smiling.

"Can't say you don't like it." Rome replied.

"Well I have practice in a few but here's my number." Sydney said as she grabbed a pen and wrote her number down on the back of his flyer. "Now you can call and flirt with me anytime you'd like." She said before giving him back the flyer.

"I'll call you tonight." Rome said as he looked on at her number.

"I'll be waiting." She said before walking out of the cafe.

"Score for Team Rome." Rome said to himself before putting Sydney's number in his phone.


Finishing her last rep, Candace put the weights down before taking a swig of her water. Coach was intensifying their workouts since the team was about to have their first game.

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