Chapter 23: Flashback to Move Forward

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Rome knew what he was doing when he came to see Candace. 😭 Candace doesn't want to come to terms with her feelings though.

I'm about to start writing in point of views to give you guys an insight on what exactly characters are thinking or feeling.

Candace in the mm.

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- Asia 💫



Tonight was another night that I was being a third wheel while Teddy and Crystal hung out. Don't get me wrong, I love being around them, when they're not tonguing each other down. We were sitting in a restaurant, waiting for our food to come out.

"Are you guys just gonna make out all night?" I asked as they turned to me.

"Damn, we almost forgot you were here." Teddy joked.

"I bet." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't catch an attitude just because you're sitting here single while Teddy and I are in love." Crystal laughed.

"I choose to be single." I replied, taking a bite of my food.

"I don't know why." Teddy said as he took a swig of his drink. "You could be in a relationship if you really wanted to."

"I could but I'd rather focus on school. Boys can come later." I said. I hate having these conversations with them. It leads to the same thing every time.

"I don't see why you keep trying to drown yourself in schoolwork and all that other stuff. I swear, ever since you and-" Crystal said before I interrupted her. I already knew where this conversation was headed.

"Don't." I simply said.

"You keep trying to avoid this topic every time I try to talk to you about it." Crystal exclaimed.

"I'm not trying to avoid anything. I just don't think talking about that is really necessary." I reasoned.

"I keep trying to tell you her and Rome are afraid of love." Teddy shrugged.

"That's not true." I told him.

"It is. That's why y'all haven't been dating or anything. Y'all waiting for each other but nobody wants to make the first move." Teddy said as he finished eating his food.

"You think you have all of this figured out huh?" I chuckled. "I'm not dating because I choose not to date. Rome is dating by the way."

"How you know?" Teddy asked.

"Because him and I ran into one of his girls the other day in the mall." I said without thinking.

"Wait a minute..." Crystal said, smirking. I forgot that I wanted to keep Rome and I hanging out a secret. "You and Rome have been chilling?"

"No." I quickly replied. I just wanted to shut this conversation down. Crystal was onto me. She always knew when I was lying or keeping something from her. She always just waited for me to admit it.

"But you just said..." Teddy began to say.

"I knew it!" Crystal grinned while I stayed quiet. No point in trying to lie to them anymore.

"So you and him have been having secret meetings and shit? Thinking we not gonna find out?" Teddy asked while laughing.

"It wasn't even like that. We just wanted to hangout without having you guys question us about every little thing we do." I told them. "Him and I are very much still just friends and that's not gonna change."

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