Chapter 25: No Rush

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Candace is about to get caught up! Rome, Will, or Julian?

Rome really shut down Olivia too.

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- Asia 💫



I sat at my desk at work, nervous. Anxious. I could see Will at any point now. He's been ignoring me since the night I declined him. Acting as if I didn't exist, as if we never met. Never talked. Never kissed. Anything. I don't know why I was so worried about Will. It's not like I liked him. I just liked the attention he gave to me. Actually, I think I liked the attention that all 3 men gave to me...

I craved it.

Opening my emails, I looked at all of all the tasks my boss wanted me to do. Some of those tasks were things that she could do herself, but I wasn't complaining. This job paid too much for me to be complaining. Feeling my phone vibrate on my desk, I smiled as it indicated that it was time for me to go on break. Once I stood up, I immediately spotted Will who was walking inside of the break room. I forgot we had the same break time. Grabbing my wallet and my phone, I started to walked towards the exit before I decided to go into the break room. I watched him as he took his food out of the fridge, completely unaware of my presence.

"Hey..." I said as I stood in the doorway before he turned to me. I couldn't read him. He showed no expression while looking on at me. It was strange.

"Oh, hi." Will said as he warmed up his food in the microwave. Usually he would spark up a conversation with me. I guess he was still mad at me. But how could he blame me? I barely knew him.

"How've you been?" I asked him as I watched him pour himself a cup of coffee before taking his food out of the microwave.

"Great." He simply replied before he picked up his plate and mug. "Have a good day." He said before he attempted to walk past me, out of the break room.

"Wait, Will..." I said before he turned back to me.

"I'm sorry but I need to get back to my office. It was nice talking to you." He said before he proceeded to walk to his office.

"But we barely talked!" I called out as I followed him into his office. His office space was really neat. Organized. Pictures and certificates filled two of the four walls. His office had a nice view of the city. Aesthetically pleasing.

"Candace what do you want?" Will asked as he set his food down on his desk.

"I wanted to talk to you..." I told him. I honestly didn't know what I wanted to talk to him about, I just wanted to be able to talk to him. I wanted his attention on me.

"What about?" He asked as he closed the door to his office, giving us a little more privacy.

"I just missed talking to you. Seems like you've been kinda distant since we last talked." I said as he sat down at his desk.

"Been busy." Will said as he took a bite of his food. "Why does it matter to you though? You said you didn't think us talking would be appropriate so I stopped talking to you." He shrugged while eating.

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