Chapter 7

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More drama on the way. 👀

Rome in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


Candace slowly woke up from her slumber, feeling renewed and refreshed. She looked around the room. Something wasn't right... This isn't her dorm. She looked down at herself. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt. From the looks of it, it definitely looked like Rome and Teddy's dorm room. Surely enough, it was. On the floor was Rome snuggled up inside of his blanket, sleeping peacefully. He looks so cute when he's sleeping, she thought. But why was she there? Candace slowly got out of the bed, trying not to make any noise. She grabbed her clothes that was folded nicely on the dresser and made her way inside of the bathroom. She looked in the mirror. Her hair was all over the place, her makeup was smeared. She looked a mess. She attempted to make her hair look presentable and washed all of the makeup off of her face. Looking up at herself in the mirror, Candace was startled as she saw Rome standing behind her through the mirror. He was only wearing his basketball shorts. His abs looked like they had been chiseled to perfection.

"Good morning sunshine." He said with a smile.

"Morning!" Candace replied.

"How'd you sleep?" Rome asked as he stood against the wall, arms crossed.

"Like a baby." Candace smiled. "But why am I here?" She asked as she turned to face him.

"Well after we talked, we went back inside to the party and you were drunk as shit. I tried looking for your girls but I didn't see them anywhere so I just brought you here with me." Rome explained.

"Wow I'm so sorry. I'm not that good at holding down my liquor." Candace said apologetically.

"Nah you good shawty." Rome said as he stretched.

"You didn't have to sleep on the floor..." Candace said as she watched him.

"It's all good. I was more concerned about your comfort than mine." Rome replied. Candace couldn't help but to smile. "After you get dressed, we should go out for breakfast or something."

"We should. I need to stop by my dorm first and shower and stuff." Candace told him.

"How about we meet up at the coffee shop around 12." Rome suggested.

"It's a date." Candace smiled before Rome walked out to let her get dressed.


Candace had quickly made her way up to her dorm room, eager to get ready and see Rome. It seems as if they were getting closer and closer everyday. She was starting to cherish their friendship. He was always there for her in her lowest moments. He was exactly the type of person she needed in her life...

Candace was about to unlock the door to her dorm until it flew open. She was not expecting to see Teddy, out of all people, to be walking out. They both eyed each other but didn't say a word. Candace walked inside of the dorm room where Crystal was picking out an outfit to wear.

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