Chapter 14

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Crystal was determined to hand Sydney that ass whooping. 😂

Sydney told on herself too. Candace tried to warn Rome though.

Candace in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


One week later....

Walking out of her last class of the day, Candace couldn't wait to get back to her dorm before it was time to go to practice. She hadn't seen nor talked to Rome or Sydney since the trip. Rome had been calling and texting her but she ignored every time. His relationship with Sydney was really hindering his friendship. Walking towards the residence hall, Candace spotted Rome who was sitting on a bench outside. He was waiting for her to come. Making eye contact with each other, Candace turned away as she saw Rome approach her.

"Can you stop avoiding me?!" Rome said as he jogged towards Candace.

"I'm not avoiding you." Candace lied while she kept walking.

"You obviously are." Rome said as he grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks before turning her around to face him.

"Rome what do you want?" Candace asked.

"What's up with you? Why you not talking to me?" Rome questioned.

"You're really asking me this right now?" Candace chuckled, shaking her head.

"Look I wanted to apologize to you about last week. You were right about Sydney. Im sorry I didn't believe you." Rome apologized while Candace sighed, not really wanting to talk to him. "I broke up with her that night."

"You call yourself doing that for me?" Candace asked, crossing her arms.

"No. I did it for me. She won't the right girl for me." Rome said while Candace stayed quiet. "I wanna take you out to dinner. I want to make this up to you."

"You always wanna suck up and do shit when I'm mad at you." Candace laughed sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Just let me take you out. I'll make it real nice. We can do dinner. I'll pay. Or maybe I can cook for you." Rome suggested.

"You cook?" Candace asked skeptically.

"Yeah, I be throwing down in the kitchen. I can cook your favorites." Rome smiled while Candace thought about it. "Please?" He begged while Candace slowly smiled.

"Fine. Dinner, your place, Friday at 8." Candace stated.

"It's a date." Rome grinned before Candace walked inside of the building.


Walking out of the locker room, Candace was sore from practice. Sydney was making all of the workouts tougher. She had the team benching heavier weights, running more, and doing a lot more cardio exercises in just that one practice. It was obvious that Sydney was taking her anger out on the team. She was especially giving Candace a hard time. She kept saying that Candace wasn't pushing herself hard enough. Candace hoped that Sydney would lighten up with these next few practices before the next game.

"Hey beautiful." Tron said as he watched her walk out of the locker room. Seeing the hurt look on her face, Tron instantly grew concerned for her. "You alright?"

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