Chapter 26: No Holds Barred

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Candace is just a free spirit now huh?

Don't hate me but there's more drama/mess to come.

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- Asia 💫



I was still at Rome's apartment. Crystal and I decided to crash here since we didn't feel like heading back to campus, the boys didn't mind though. They definitely enjoyed the extra estrogen in the house.

Rome and Teddy were packing their bags, prepping to go to MSU for a basketball game. Crystal hated away games. Her and Teddy were so attached to each other, they didn't know what to do when they were away from each other. They acted as if they would be spending months apart when it was only for a few days. I would never understand. I always tried to convince Crystal to try out for cheerleading so she could be closer to Teddy. The cheerleaders traveled everywhere the football and basketball team went. It was a perfect opportunity for them to not miss each other but she didn't think she could make the team. Whatever floats her boat.

I plopped down on Rome's bed as I watched him toss workout clothes and athletic gear in his suitcase. He scanned through the open suitcase, making sure he didn't forget to pack anything.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something..." Rome said as he looked around.

"You said that like ten times already." I laughed as he glared at me. "It's not like you're gonna be gone for weeks at a time. I'm sure you'll be alright if you forgot one or two things."

"If you say so." Rome said as he sprawled out beside me on the bed. "You gonna miss me?"

"Of course I'm gonna miss you." I said as I straddled him, resting my body on his chest. "But I know you won't be gone too long." I smiled as he kissed his cheek.

"You missed my lips." He smirked before I planted a kiss on his lips. He didn't want to let go of them. Every time we kissed, it was like a new sensation each time. It was that skin tingling sensation, the type where you don't know why it's happening but you won't stop because you like it. Things always seemed to escalate quickly when Rome and I were making out. He's very touchy feely. I could already see where this was going. His hands roamed down my back, like they usually do when he's getting turned on. I could feel his length slowly hardening against my thigh. His lips started to trail down to my neck, my weak spot. I bit down on my lip, hoping that this would end soon. To my surprise though, I felt him gently push me off of him. I gave him a puzzled look, wondering why he stopped.

Was I hurting him? Was he not enjoying it anymore? Many questions floated in my head as I sat up beside him on the bed. He sat up and rubbed the back of his head.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked him.

"Had to stop it before we got started." He sighed.

"We kinda already started." I laughed. "But I understand. I wasn't expecting this to be so hard."

"I know." He groaned. "I know I need to get some self discipline. But I can't help it, you're just so attractive." He said as he pulled me to him.

"Maybe we should come up with alternatives. So when we're around each other, we won't get tempted to do anything." I suggested as he nodded his head.

"We need to get out more. Start doing the traditional dating. Going out on dates to places, no cell phone using unless we're taking pictures for memories. That would be good." Rome said with a light smile. I could tell that this no sex thing was affecting him, but it was for a good purpose. "But if you ever change your mind..." He said as he kissed my neck before I pulled away.

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