Chapter 15

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Candace and Rome? Or Candace and Tron?

The drama continues...

Candace in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


"So where were you?" Tron asked while Candace and Rome both sat there looking nervous.

"I was with Rome." Candace confessed.

"So you felt the need to lie to me about it?" Tron questioned as Candace stood up.

"We need to talk about this alone." Candace said before Tron got up and walked with her to another room.

"So why'd you lie?" Tron asked as he shut the door.

"Because I know how you get. I didn't want you to be upset that him and I were hanging out." Candace explained.

"I mean... Y'all were friends before you and I ever met. If y'all want to hangout, that isn't a problem. I trust the both of you. I know that he wouldn't try  anything with you." Tron stated while Candace looked down, feeling guilty. "I just wish you didn't lie to me." He sighed.

"I know it wasn't right, I'm sorry for that. I just wasn't thinking." Candace said as she sat down in a seat.

"Now you lying to me makes me question the depth of your friendship with him." Tron said as he thought.

"You have nothing to worry about. Him and I are strictly friends...." Candace lied as she stood up. "Don't let something small like this make your trust for me decrease. You can trust me."

"I trust you and I'm willing to just put this behind us." Tron told her as he pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you baby." Candace smiled before they both walked back out of the room and went back to the gala area and sat down at the table.

"Everything good?" Teddy asked as he looked on at them.

"Everything's all good." Tron smiled. Things felt awkward between Rome and Candace again. As much as they wanted to avoid talking about it, there was a big elephant in the room that needed to be dealt with. They just didn't know how to approach it.


Walking inside of the library, Rome and Candace decided to meet up so that they could talk privately without being worried about someone they know seeing them or suspecting anything.

"Really? A library?" Rome asked as they both sat down at a table.

"It was all I could think of." Candace shrugged.

"So impersonal." Rome complained as he looked around the library.

"Did you have anywhere better?" Candace questioned.

"Yeah, actually I do." Rome said while getting up before they both walked out of the library. Pulling out his keys, Rome unlocked his car doors before motioning for her to get in.

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