Chapter 16

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So Candace and Rome slipped up AGAIN. 😂

Do you think Candace should've told Tron what was going on or should she have kept her mouth shut and left Rome alone?

Tron is pissed!

Rome in the mm.

Vote. Comment. Share.

- Asia 💫


Pacing in his dorm, Tron was furious. Random thoughts floated in his mind. He wanted to find Rome. He wanted to continuously punch him until he felt the pain that he was feeling. He needed a plan. Calming down wasn't on his agenda anytime soon. Anger filled his soul. He developed a deep hatred for Rome. Grabbing his keys, Tron walked out of the room before heading to Rome's dorm.

Walking off of the elevator, Tron quickly made his way to the dorm before banging on the door.

"Open the door lil nigga!" Tron yelled before Teddy opened the door.

"You lost your mind?" Teddy said as he opened the door.

"Where is he??" Tron asked eagerly.

"Who?" Teddy questioned.

"Rome." Tron replied.

"He in there..." Teddy began to say before Tron pushed passed him and walked inside. Walking to the living room area, Tron saw Rome and Crystal sitting, watching tv.

"Wassup man." Rome said as he saw Tron standing in the walkway.

"Fuck you." Tron said while everyone looked at him confusedly.

"Uhhhh.... Is something wrong?" Rome asked.

"Aye Teddy, don't leave your girl alone with Rome. He might take her too." Tron said as Rome instantly realized what Tron was referring to.

"What?" Teddy asked as he sat next to Crystal.

"We supposed to be homies. Brothers basically and you out here fucking my girl!" Tron exclaimed.

"Hold up... We're talking about Candace?" Crystal asked as Rome nodded his head.

"Nigga can't keep his dick in his pants. So desperate for pussy." Tron said while Rome shook his head.

"Aye look, I know it was wrong but you gotta let me explain the full story." Rome stated.

"You ain't gotta explain shit to me. I don't want to hear it." Tron shouted.

"Stop being stubborn and just hear me out." Rome replied.

"Come on... Just let him explain." Crystal told Tron.

"Make it quick." Tron said as he sat down.

"Wait. Before you start... Crystal you want some popcorn?" Teddy asked as he turned to Crystal.

"You have the movie theater butter?" Crystal asked as her eyes lit up.

"Yeah, just bought some." Teddy said before Rome interrupted them.

"Man shut the fuck up and just let me talk." Rome told the both of them.

"My bad." Teddy put his hands up as he sat back.

"Alright so basically, Candace and I have always been just friends. We never tried anything with each other. I promise you that. When I was with Sydney, Candace and I didn't really talk or hangout much. So when we broke up, I made it a goal to get my friendship right with Candace again. When her and I planned to hangout and have dinner, I didn't tell her to lie to you about it. She did that on her own. When we had dinner, it was strictly platonic. There was no plan to hook up. But as the night went on, things just got crazy. It just happened unexpectedly. We weren't really thinking about anything or the consequences of what we were doing. Before you arrived at the gala, I told her not to tell you what happened because I didn't want to mess up what y'all had. Even though I guess that was already happening and I'm sorry for that." Rome explained before Teddy interrupted him.

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