Chapter 11

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Do you think something more is going on between Sydney and her best friend Michael?

Why was Rome catching such a bad attitude with Candace though?

Rome and Sydney are official now. How do y'all feel about that?

Candace and Tron though? 👀 You think something could happen?

Candace in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


Candace 😇: Hey, you busy?

Tron 😊: Nah, what's up?

Candace 😇: I just finished practice. Wanna hang?

Tron 😊: Aight, where you tryna go?

Candace 😇: Let's just chill for the evening. Maybe we can order a pizza or something.

Tron 😊: Aight, I'll be at your place around 10.

Putting her phone in her bag, Candace walked out of the locker room with Toni. Candace didn't say much on the walk back to the dorms. Toni would try to spark a conversation but Candace only gave her short replies.

"So what do you think about Rome and Sydney dating?" Toni asked curiously.

"Glad he finally decided to settle down. Good for him." Candace replied.

"You didn't say much about it in the locker room." Toni told her.

"What exactly did I need to say? I'm sure Sydney doesn't care about all of these extra opinions about her personal life." Candace said while walking.

"Cmon, you know Sydney loves the attention." Toni chuckled.

"Okay, that's good for her." Candace said with an annoyed tone as they walked inside of the residence hall.

"What's with this attitude?" Toni asked.

"I don't have an attitude." Candace sighed as they walked into the elevator.

"Yes you do. I can tell." Toni said while looking at Candace.

"Look, I just don't want to keep talking about Rome and Sydney. I don't care about their relationship. If they're happy, then good for them." Candace said before walking inside of her Rome.

Candace hated how she was acting towards Toni but the topic of Rome and Sydney's relationship wasn't something that interested her very much. Her main priority was getting freshened up before Tron came over. She had 45mins to spare. She was sweaty and smelly from practice. That wasn't attractive. She needed to shower, order the pizza, and clean up around the dorm. She wanted to make a good impression on Tron since it'd be their first time having alone time with each other. Considering the fact that she wasn't really into Tron, she hoped that by giving him a chance, she'd like him.


Tossing away everything in sight, Candace wanted to make the dorm as clean as possible before Tron came over. She hated how messy Crystal and Teddy made everything when they were hanging out. Hearing a knock on the door, Candace checked herself in the mirror before quickly opening up the door.

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