Chapter 6

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Rome and Teddy in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


It has been a long day for Candace. Her and Caleb had just gotten back from attending her uncle's funeral. The service was pretty lengthy. She could only imagine how her aunt and cousins were holding up. This was the first time in years where everyone in her family were in one vicinity. Things had been different with the family after her grandfather had passed when she was younger. With her uncle's funeral, she felt like this situation only brought the family closer. Family members had been urging police to try harder with their attempts to find out who was responsible for this murder, but they insisted that they couldn't help them. It was sad that not even your local police officers could help people who were clearly in need.

It was pretty late when Candace and Caleb had gotten back on campus. The car ride was very quiet. No talking. No radio. Just the sound of the car gliding onto the road. Caleb had been thinking for the whole car ride. The person who killed his uncle must've known him personally. His murder definitely wasn't an accident. He felt like someone was trying to leave some type of subliminal message for their family. As if they were being watched or something. Little did he know, his uncle's killer was closer than he thought...


This was Candace's first day back to classes since the funeral. She hasn't really been talking to anybody. Lately, she's been trapped in her own thoughts. No one understood the pain she was going through. It was like someone grabbed her heart and squeezed it until all the blood gushed out. She knew she had to get back to normal but she just didn't know how. Everywhere she went, she felt like she had to fake a smile. Fake like she was okay. But really, she was dying on the inside. She had a closer relationship with her uncle than she did with her own father. Ever since she's started college though, she didn't really talk to her uncle much. Her parents always told her to call him and see how he was doing. She never did. Sometimes he would even call to check up on her, but she was so busy with school to answer. She felt so guilty. She didn't know why. She wished she would've talked to him more. Their last conversation was a couple of months ago, but it was short. Everything was just so sudden. Things weren't supposed to be this way...

Candace was done with all of her class for the day. She just wanted to go back to her dorm and have some time for herself. She's been isolating herself from everyone. On her way to her dorm, Candace saw Rome. He was walking towards her, with a light smile on his face. She didn't feel like seeing or talking to anyone. She wanted to turn around and quickly go the other way, but before she knew it, Rome was right in front of her.

"Hey Candace." Rome said with a light smile.

"Hi." Candace replied.

"I heard about your unc. I'm sorry for your loss." Rome said sincerely.

"People die everyday. It's just something that I'll have to get over..." Candace said sadly.

"Whoever did it is a pretty sick person..." Rome began to say.

"I don't really want to talk about this." Candace interrupted.

"I'm sorry." Rome said as a silence came over them.  "Well if you ever want to talk or just need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here. You have my number. Hit me up anytime." He said before walking off. Candace felt bad about the way she's been acting towards Rome lately. She just didn't like the feeling of people being sorry for her. She was sorry for herself. She didn't know how to carry on. Candace walked inside of her dorm, immediately going to her bed. She didn't have the energy to do anything anymore. She curled up in her bed, covers over her head, lights out. She thought about everything that has happened this past week.

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