Chapter 13

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The spring break trip already started off messy. 😬 More mess to come.

Candace let Tron taste the honeypot. 👀

Was Sydney right to tell Candace to stay away from Rome or is she just being insecure?

Crystal in the mm.

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- Asia 💫


"She told you to stop talking to him?" Toni asked for clarification after Candace told Crystal and Toni about her confrontation with Sydney.

"Yeah, she keeps thinking that I want him or I'm gonna take him from her." Candace chuckled.

"She got some inner issues she needs to deal with." Crystal said as she took a sip of her drink. "I thought she was cool at first but she's definitely showing her ass now."

"So are you gonna stop talking to him?" Toni asked Candace.

"I wouldn't." Crystal added.

"I might as well. She's obviously bothered by our friendship." Candace replied.

"Fuck her feelings!" Crystal exclaimed. "Don't stop talking to your best friend just because she's insecure as fuck. You keep doing what you do. Be unbothered. And if she has a problem with that, tell her she can come see me personally. Ain't nobody scared of her."

"You always wanna fight." Toni laughed.

"I'm not gonna fight her unless she comes to me with her bullshit." Crystal reasoned.

"Maybe I should just tell Rome. I want to enjoy this trip but it's already starting off poorly." Candace sighed.

"Don't do that." Toni told her.

"Why not??" Candace asked.

"Look at it this way. You're his girl friend complaining to him about his girlfriend. You're gonna seem like you're just a jealous broad who wants to break up his relationship." Toni explained.

"I just don't know what to do." Candace groaned as she buried her head in her hands.

"I told your ass what to do. You're hardheaded. You don't listen." Crystal said as she got up. "You'll learn the hard way though." She said before walking upstairs.

"She's crazy." Toni laughed.

"Very. She has a point though." Candace said as she thought about what Crystal had told her.


Walking out of the house, everyone walked down the boardwalk as they headed down to the beach. There was some sort of tension between Candace and Sydney that only Crystal and Toni noticed. Setting her stuff down, Candace pulled out her sunscreen before starting to play some on her arms and legs.

"You need any help?" Tron asked as he watched her.

"Yeah, could you get my back for me please?" Candace asked before Tron started rubbing some down her back.

"Shit about to get sexual as fuck." Kev joked as he watched them.

"Hm maybe they should get a room." Sydney said as she sat down on her beach chair.

"I'm sure we would if we wanted to." Candace replied, rolling her eyes.

"Y'all tryna play some beach volleyball?" Teddy asked as he stood up.

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