1: Secret Love Song

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Secret Love Song
word count: 600

I stared out of the window as the tears streamed down my face as Shawn and I headed to my house.

"y/n," he quietly muttered. I sniffled and he placed his hand on my thigh, gently rubbing his thumb against the skin. "I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't have shouted at you like that." He paused, recollecting his thoughts. "I want to show you off to the world as my girlfriend but you know I can't"

"I know."

He swiftly pulled the car off the road and out of the way of oncoming traffic before speaking again.

"Please look at me." he whispered barely audible. I turned to him and used my fingers to wipe away the tears and the salty trails they had left behind.

"You know I love you. More than I have ever loved anyone and it scares me that I care for somebody more than I have ever cared for myself but I can't tell them yet. I can't. They will go crazy and you will get the brunt of it and I can't do that to you." He took my hands in his and brought them up to his lips.

"Well, you will have to do it someday." I cried as I snatched my hands away and turned to look out the window.

I watched the ongoing traffic whiz down the highway, lights coming and disappearing into the distance as quickly as they came.

"I know but not right now. I just can't" he said slamming his fists onto the steering wheel causing me to flinch. "I don't want their words to hurt you, hunny."

"I have thick skin, Shawn."

"Yeah, well not thick enough. They can be cruel, y/n. It's a cruel world, not only will the fans try to break you but there's paper and paps. They're like vultures when they smell fresh meat, they'll swarm you and rip you to shreds by their words."

I stayed silent. We stayed silent. The only noise heard was the roar of the engine when Shawn turned the keys in the ignition and started the drive to my house.

During the drive home, I started to doubt our relationship. Was it worth the pain? Will we ever act like a couple in public? Will he always hide me away?

My head was reeling once we approached my house. I stayed seated in his car when he pulled into the driveway, he turned of the ignition and shifted in his seat to face me. His hand rested on his chest, underneath his shirt as he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth.

"I'm sorry. I'll say it a thousand times but I am, I mean it." I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt. I then repeated his actions and shifted in my seat to face him.

"I know you are but can you see where I'm coming from, Shawn, I'm completely in love with you and I want everyone to know. I want to be able to hold your hand in the street and kiss you on the dance floor and show everyone how in love we are but I feel like I'm fighting a battle that'll never be won."

"I know, baby, I know." I sent him a small smile and reached down to pick up my bag before clambering out of the car and closing the door behind me. I leaned down and tapped on the window glass, Shawn lowered down the window and I poked my head in.

"Talk tomorrow?" I asked.

"Definitely" he replied.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

hey, my lovely chickens! if you have been here before- thank you for re-reading my edited chapters- if you haven't been here before, welcome!

I have recently had to remove all of my Christmas Imagines due to updating issues so I have decided to completely redesign the look and presentation of this book as well as correcting all of the typos and other content issues.

if you have been here before, let me know what you think of this new design. if you haven't been here before, also let me know what you think of the layout of this book so feel free to comment your thoughts and opinions.

but, I won't ramble on for too long so I hope you enjoy the new updated version of this book and happy reading!

all my love,
k ♡

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