50- Sneeze

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You were at Shawn's concert and he was trying to sing a Capella. It was lol going horrible wrong as whenever he tried people kept on making noise or shouting things at him which was sort of annoying as you wanted to hear him sing, alone. Without the mic, without the band. Just him.

Eventually everyone was silent. The whole arena was still. So still you could hear a pin drop. He took a breathe and your nose started to tingle. Oh shit, no!

"Turns out that-" you sneezed. You sneezed in a silent arena. Your sneeze wasn't a normal sneeze, oh no. It was a sneeze which was very high pitched and squeaky. Shawn's glare shot towards where the sound came from and a smile appeared on his face followed by a laugh. You face burnt as you felt the redness rising to your cheeks. He winked at you and the whole crowd started to laugh. "Okay" he chuckled. The stadium went quite again. "You ready now?" He said looking at you.

"I think" you shouted back and he nodded.


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