61- Your Bestfriend's Wedding

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"Overall, y/bf/n, you have dated a lot of weirdos in your past experiences and I mean ALOT. Let's take a moment to remember those who tried yet failed." I stood silent for a while hearing the odd chuckled from y/bff/n and any other people who remembered her past experiences.

"But on a more important note, I am so thankful to God that you finally found someone who treats you like the princess you and worships the ground you walk on. You deserve someone as great as Jack and I'm so happy that you too found eachother, partly because you introduced me to Shawn but mainly because you two people deserve the best and nobody compares to you two." I glanced down at my best friend and her new husband sending them both a gentle smile.

"Now, a toast to the new Mr and Mrs Gilinksy and may you lead a long happy life together, thank you" everyone raised their glasses toasting to eachother and clinking glasses before sowing the remaining wine left in their glasses.

We danced the night away and drank as much as possible before slowing it down for a final dance. I placed my arms around Shawn's neck as he placed his hands around my waist pulling him closer to me. "I love you, you know that right?" I nodded. "Good, that will be us someday" I smiled and he peck my forehead.

"Shawn, I think we should tell her" his eyes widened. "We can tell Jack as well, I just want them to be the first to know. They're are extremely special people in our life's and I don't want to be keeping secrets from them" he nodded.

"It's up to you, baby" I nodded. He chuckled lightly as we copied each others actions. He took a hold of my hand and we shuffled our way through the dance floor and over to Jack and y/bf/n.

They were dancing slowly together whispering sweet nothings to each other. I smiled knowing that that may be me and Shawn someday. I rested my head on him.

"Jack, y/bf/n. We need to talk to you" Shawn said in a some-what serious voice. Jack and y/bf/n glanced at eachother before looking at us.

"Okay" they followed us to a more private space, where is was just us and no one else. The music was quite in the back ground on the only sounds that could be heard was the clinking of heels against the floor.

"Shawn and I wanted to tell you guys first, considering you two are two of the most important people in our life besides our parents of course." Shawn intertwined his hand with mine. "We're having a baby" I smiled. Y/bf/n eyes widened as she let out a squeal.

"OMG! I'm so happy for you she gushed. I thought you was just getting a little fat" she gushed.

"Hey!" Shawn scolded. "That's my baby you're talking about" he huffed.

"Which one mate?" Jack chuckled.

"Both" he smiled happily. Jack smiled before patting Shawn's shoulder.

"well done mate and congratulations" Shawn nodded. "And as you missed, give us a hug, congratulations for not just being food fat" he chuckled once more. I rolled my eyes before moving over to him and hugging him.

"CONGRATULATIONS MY BEST FRIEND!" y/bf/n shouted pulling you into a hug once Jack released. "I'm so happy for you! I'm going to be and auntie" she whispered into my ear before chuckling. She rubbed my belly and let me go. Shawn pulled me towards him before slinking had arm around my waist and pulling me towards him, his other hand placed into my belly.

"We're going to be parents" he smiled and I pressed a small kiss to his lips.

"Ew!!" Jack and y/bf/n grimaced.

"Oh shut up! That's all you two have been doing today" I said rolling my eyes.

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