172- My Girls

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Request for @bbygirlgrande

Request for @bbygirlgrande

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Moment #1

Shawn dropped his bags at the entrance of the house before crouching down and holding his arms out in front of himself. "Skylar!" He beamed as she came toddling towards him.

However, she ran right past him and out of the front door onto the lawn to play with her outdoor toys.

"Okay, well, it's nice to know someone he missed me." Shawn chuckled as I threw myself into his arms.

Moment #2

"Skylar. Here comes the aeroplane." Shawn sang enthusiastically as he twisted and curved the spoon which was holding Skylar's dinner. I watched the scene play out as I continued to wash the dishes in the soapy water.

"Daddy, no." She told him and he let out a chuckle.

"No, Skylar. Be a good girl" he cooed and placed the spoon against her lips. I started to place the dishes onto the draining board.

Suddenly, a loud yelp was heard from behind me and I quickly turned around. Shawn was covered in baby food and Skylar was giggling away.

"Skylar spat her food on me." Shawn complained.

Moment #3

I walked into the living room and looked over to where Shawn was previously sitting with Skylar, except he wasn't there. I walked closer and noticed a strand of Shawn's curly locks sticking out over the couch.

He was fast asleep with a Skylar, who was also asleep, resting on his chest. I smiled and pressed a kiss onto his forehead and then onto Skylar's forehead. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he smiled at me as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Get some sleep, baby." I smiled.

"I will," he said, sitting up and carrying Skylar close to his chest. "As long as you come with me."

I nodded and followed him upstairs where he rested Skylar in her Moses basket and climbed into his side of the bed. I followed suit after I stripped from my jeans and he wrapped his strong arms around me.

"I love my girls" he mumbled as he pressed his lips to mine.

"And we love you too."

Moment #4 *shawn*

I lay in bed with Madison curled up besides me. Her arms draped around my waist and her head rested on my chest. I sighed in content as I ran my fingers through her hair as I continued to type away on my MacBook.




I placed my laptop on to the floor and untangled myself from Madison careful not to wake her. The cries became louder as I approach Skylar's room. I pushed open the door and she was sat in the middle of her bed crying.

"Sweetie, what happened?" I asked as I hurried over to her.

"I peed in my bed, daddy. I'm sorry" she rubbed her eyes and I picked her up, cuddling her close to my chest.

"It's okay baby, it happens." She nodded and rested her head against my shoulder. I could feel her eyelashes flutter open and close against my cheek which signalled she was still tired. "Why don't you go and get in bed with mommy but be quiet she's still sleeping and I'll be in in a minute"

I placed her down and watched as she toddled away into mine and Madison's shared room. I, then, started to pull the covers off the bed and strip it down till it was bare before taking the covers downstairs to the washing machine. I picked up a bottle of Febreze and sprayed her mattress before putting it aside and moving back to my bedroom.

I peeked in before slowly closing the door over and climbing into bed. Skylar was snuggled up against her mom, so I wrapped my arm over Skylar and draped it over Madison's waist before sliding further into the covers and falling a sleep next to my girls.

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