60- till it happens to you (part two)

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Frat parties. The one night were everybody on campus gathers in on place to have a good time. Well that's what everyone thinks right?

I fixed my hair once more before heading into the frat house that was located in the centre of the whole university dress. I slightly pulled down my dress to mid thigh length before searching trough the relentless crowds of drunken teenagers, as they make out against the walls, for my friend. I rolled my eyes at the stupidity. Finding my way to the kitchen i poured myself a drink before continuing the search.

"Hey, Kamilia" Jase said as he popped up in front of me. I smiled and we started to talk for a while. "Listen, I have a situation and I can't really do it myself" he chuckled holding up his right arm which was bounded in a cast. I chuckled lightly. "Would you mind tying my shoe for me?" I glanced down at his foot to see his shoe lace untied.

"Yeah sure" I placed my cup onto the table behind me before bending down and taking both ends of the shoe lace in my hand before tying them into a bow. "Done" I smile gently. He smiled back before thanking me and heading off. I furrowed my eyebrows at his quick exit before shaking off the thought and grabbing my cup.

I swiftly grasped my cup in my hand before rushing into the garden and tipping it down my drain. I wasn't stupid. I knew what was happening. I was about to be roofied. I let out a sigh before finding Shawn and my friends. I greeted them and we started our night.

I guess you never know till it happens to you...

A/N HELLO!!! I know this imagine wasn't quite to do with Shawn but I really wanted to raise an important issue. I tried to show the two kinds of ways things could end and I got my inspiration for a youtuber I have recently started watching called iamjustamakeuplover- if you don't subscribe to her channel you should- and I was scrolling through her videos and I came across one called roofied at a college party so I decided to watch it and let me tell you I was horrified.

It really opened my eyes about what actually goes on at a college party; yeah, I have heard  about it and yeah, I have seen it in movies but never did I think it would ever happen. I also watched the music video by Lady Gaga that iamjustamakeuplover recommended and it upset me how girls can be taken advantage of like that.

RAPE IS UNACCEPTABLE NO MATTER WHAT!!! And I know I'm not a feminist- although I do know what's right and wrong- and I'm also no one powerful and me alone won't change the world but that doesn't mean that as females we are unable to do that. It shouldn't be passed over just because 'they were dressed inappropriately' or 'they led them on' To hell with that bullshit RAPE IS RAPE AND OF PEOPLE CANT ACCEPT THAT THEN THHEY ARE JUST AS VILE AND DISGUSTING AS THE RAPISTS THEMSELVES!!!! Please, please, please, please watch the video and please just be aware that it can happen to anyone, especially at parties.

I know this was kind of a grim subject but it needs to be spoken about! So thank you if you read this authors notes and also if you ever see a girl alone looking dazed or lost go and ask if they're okay. You never know what has happened.

Finally, I know this is a long AN, but listen to the end of the video especially!! It's important!!!


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