150- Balloons

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Request for @muffingirlmendes

I blew a stray piece of my brown, curly hair out of my eyes before dropping the groceries by the door and fishing my key out from my bag, making sure not to release the helium balloon in my hand.

Shawn and I had recently moved into a condo on the outskirts of LA not too far from the beach. It was a large step for me; leaving my family back in Puerto Rico. Shawn was used to being away from his family due to touring but her reassured me that if I ever wanted to visit home he would happily take a break and visit my family with me in Puerto Rico.

Once I heard the door click, I held my keys between my teeth as I pushed the door open with my bum and grabbed all of the bags from the ground. I moved my way into the kitchen and set the bags onto the island before slipping off my coat and hanging it up before starting to unpack.

Shortly after, Shawn's voice hollered through the halls of the house and his footsteps moved closer towards me. His armed wrapped around my waist pulling me away from the pantry and twirling me around to face him. A smile plastered on his face. I laughed and brought my hands up to his shoulders rubbing them slightly.

"Hey baby." He grinned.

"Hi." I giggled as he pressed a kiss onto my nose.

"Want me to cook tonight?" He asked as he pulled away from me and started to ponder in the fridge looking for something he could snap up.

"No, I was thinking, maybe we should order in. I feel like some Chinese, what do you think?"

"Sure, that's fine by me." I nodded before picking up the leaflet which was stuck on the fridge-freezer. "What's the balloon for?" He said nodding his head towards the large white balloon swaying on the island top.

"Never you mind. Now, what can we eat?" He shrugged and picked the menus out of my hand before scanning over it.

"It's up to you baby," he said as he pleaded his hand around my waist and walking me into the living room were we jumped on the couch and cuddled together as I tucked my legs under my bum.


"So then Ian goes 'oh Brian, what the fuck are we gonna do with you now?'" Shawn laughed as he recalled the funny moments which happened today. I placed my empty plate on the table and stood up. "Where are you going?" He asked. I laughed and he jumped up before following me into the kitchen.

"You want to know what the balloon is for?" I questioned and he nodded. I handed him a pin. "Pop it."

"What? Why?"

"Just pop it" I laughed and he looked at me hesitantly before raising the pin up and stabbing it into the balloon.

As the balloon exploded pastel pink and blue confetti fell from the balloon and landed on the island making a small mess. Shawn glanced at me a confused look playing on his face so I urged him to look through the confetti pile until he found a small scroll wrapped with a bow. He untied the bow and his mouth fell agape as he looked at the small piece of paper.

"Serious?" He asked as he finally looked at me. He turned the paper so I could see it clearly and it was a picture of a baby scan. A large smile broke out onto my lips and he sharply breathed in before dropping the paper and wrapping his arms around my waist lifting me off the floor. "Really?"

"Yes!" I shouted whilst laughing. He pushed his head into my neck and peppered kisses on my bare skin.

"Ahh, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" he mumbled.

"I love you too." I laughed. He finally put me down and placed his hand on my stomach before looking me in the eyes and brushing one of his fingers across my cheek.

"Were gonna be parents." He gushed. "I'm gonna be a daddy again!"

"Again?" I questioned.

"Yeah, someone else will be calling me daddy besides you."

I shoved him playfully and he chuckled before pressing a kiss to my forehead and pulling me into a hug. I could practically feel his heartbeat banging against his cheek and the excitement buzzing through him.

"I love you, Paola, I really do."

"You said that already" I laughed.

"I know but I do and I can't help it. I love you and our baby."


Paola, I hope you liked it. I actually had so much fun writing this. This has to be one of my favourite imagines for sure. For requests please just message me or comment the following:

-preferred age
-other personal details, if you wish (hair colour, eye colour etc)

Also I may ask for extra information as I am writing out these imagines but it won't be too personal or you could just make it up :)

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