94- Titanic Reference

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I slammed my cards down on the table and created a circle with my arms pulling the coins towards me.

"Alright mendes, we get it! You won" Brian groaned. I chuckled victoriously and glanced around the room.

A slim figure caught my eye. A beautiful, slim figure actually. I stared at her. She was beyond stunning in fact she was astonishing, unlike anyone I had seen. I couldn't manage to take my eyes off her as she leaned against the balcony on the top floor gazing up at the stars.

She was all the way up there and I was all the way down here. Her being the best of the best and me being the poorest of the poor. It almost seemed impossible, actually it was.

"Oi, Mendes!" One of the men shouted. I snapped my glance at him and he followed my gaze. "Ah" he chuckled to himself. "You could have Angels flying out your ass and you still wouldn't be good enough for a girl like her" I shrugged and continued to admire her from afar.

"Just you wait! One day I'm gonna be a star and she will be begging for me." I smiled at her and she caught me looking. She smiled back and then turned away and headed back into the inside of the ship.

Suddenly the whole world stopped and the men besides me laughed but that didn't stop me from imagining my life with someone as beautiful, pure and elegant as her.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now