187: i want you back

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"Shawn!" I whined. "Come on, you have to eat something."

"Not now." He grunted, turning slightly so his back was facing me. My heart ached at the sight of his back to me, his muscles tensing as he strummed his guitar. He had been working super hard lately making sure SM3 was perfect for his fans.

"But you haven't eaten in days."

"I have."

"Protein bars are not proper food, Shawn." I sighed as I placed the plate on the desk and started to pick up the crumbled wrappers which were scattered around the room. "They're full of shit and they're not good for you."

"You're not good for me either" He muttered.

"Excuse me." My lip started to trembled and my eyes started to sting with tears. I heard what he said but I wanted him to repeat it, to be sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"I said, you're not good for me either, y/n."

My heart plummeted and it felt like it was hanging by one tiny string which was threatening to break if I looked at him once more. I turned away and headed to the door, pulling it close behind me. I heard him huff, so before the door fully closed I pushed it open and barged back into his studio/writing room.

"How dare you say that to me!" I shouted furiously wiping the fallen tears. He abruptly turned around to face me, his eyes widened at the volume and tone of my voice. "I will not let you treat me like shit. I have done nothing but support you through this whole thing and I will do nothing but continue to support you and all I ask for in return is that you respect and love me they way I respect and love you."

"I love you, Shawn. And I know you're stressed, and I know you want this album perfect but what's the point in being in a relationship if the feeling aren't mutual."

I paused and looked at him. I hadn't realised I was looking above his head the whole time but I dropped my eyes to his which were intensely boring into mine and I almost felt guilty for calling him out, for getting angry at him. But he deserved it, right?

"Listen, I don't want to make you feel bad but I want my 'old' Shawn back. The Shawn who cuddled with me whilst I cried into his chest, and ate chicken nuggets with me till I couldn't eat anymore without exploding. The Shawn who would laugh with me at stupid memes or videos of people falling over, the Shawn who wasn't afraid to pour his heart out to me at 3:07 in the morning." I let out a laugh. "The Shawn who farts and burps more than the average human being, But yeah, I want him back."

His head dropped down and he stayed there for a few moment. Small drops of tears fell onto his jeans, darken the areas they landed and soon his shoulder started to shake. I choked up and rushed to him; throwing myself into his arms. We cradled each other, tears dampening each others shirts, hearts raw and bruised as all the emotion dripped from our different coloured eyes.

"I'm sorry." His voice muffled by the fabric of my t-shirt. "I'm, so, so, sorry."

"It's okay." I hiccuped. He nodded and we just kept each other tight in our arms.


"Okay." I let out a laugh at his TFIOS reference and pulled away, pressing a kiss against his lips. "I love you, Shawn."

"I love you too, baby."

There may be some typos so just excuse them, thank q <3

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