147- Awkward Encounters

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My eyes slowly opened as the sun beamed through the blinds. My eyes adjusted to light as I looked around the room, realising it wasn't mine. I shot up immediately and my breathing hitched as he groaned besides me. His breathing evened out eventually and I started to unravel myself from the sheets and his legs before quietly jumping off the bed and gathering the rest of my clothes that were scattered across the floor. I quickly pulled on my panties and bra before gathering my clothes in my arms again.

"Where are you going?" His voice startled me and I dropped my clothes back on to the floor. I slowly turned around to look at him. My god, he was beautiful.

His disheveled hair was sticking up in all directions, his eyes were squinted as he adjusted to the light and his toned abdomen was peaking from just above the covers. Although, he looked tired and hungover he still managed to work it, something I bet only he could do.

"I-uh-I" he furrowed his eyebrows as I stuttered and made a fool of myself. "I don't know, um, I've never done this before." I confessed before fiddling with my fingers.

"Me neither."

"What?" I blurted out.

"You sound surprised?" He chuckled.

"No, it's just you're so good and your so attra-" you gushed.

"You think I'm good?" He arched his eyebrow slightly and his lips curled into a smirk.

"No, uh, I don't- that's not what I meant- yeah maybe. I was just shocked that you hadn't had a one night kind of thing before."

"No" he mumbled. "I just don't really bother with girls unless I'm in a relationship with them but I guess I just let loose a bit"

"Yeah you did" I said a loud, by accident.

A laugh, a real genuine laugh, escaped his lips and he swung his legs over the side of the bed, skilfully pulling in his boxers without flashing me before making his way over to me.

"I should probably go, you should get on with your life. I don't want to disturb your plans." I mumbled, nervously fumbling with my fingers again.

His boxers were hanging low and his toned v-line was prominent. I couldn't stop myself from staring until I felt his body heat radiating over me. I lifted my attention to his eyes and melted simultaneously as he raised his hand to my cheek.  He caressed the top of my cheek bone with his thumb before muttering two words to me.

"Please stay." My eyes widened in shock. Is this what usually happens during the morning after? "Please"

"But you might have plans i don't want to intrude-"

"I don't." He added quickly. "My parents and sister aren't due back till tomorrow so otherwise, it's just me."

I nodded and he smiled down at me. He dropped his hand to my waist and my pulse started to raise, my face flushed and my posture became more timid.

"How about, you go take a shower and I'll make us some breakfast." My eyes widened in surprise at his kind gesture and I nodded. He showed my to the bathroom and handed me a towel before telling me that if I needed him I should just shout him.

I hopped into the shower and the warm water cascaded down my body and through my hair as I washed out the sweat and dirt. I hummed a simple tune to myself and stayed under the water clearing my head for a good 20 minutes. Once I was finished, I wrapped the towel around my body and dried off my hair slightly before reaching for the door.

I opened it and bumped into a person who was a similar size to me. Her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail and her eyes widened in suspicion as she looked at me.

"Er, hello?" She asked, a slight British accent to her voice. I was frozen to the spot as my eyes widened in horror. It's his mom, it's gotta be his mom, there's not way it could be anybody else.

I looked her over, noticing how similar he was. Oh my god, I slept with her son.

"Mom?" She turned around and Shawn was stood at the end of the stairs in his boxers.

"Shawn." She said sternly.

"Mom, I-i- I didn't know you were back." He stuttered all flustered and cute. It was adorable really how he got all panicked over a stern look from him mother.

"Yes. We were back this morning. I told you this, last week." He lowered his head in shame.

"I'm sorry." He muttered.

"And who is this?" She asked as she glanced back to me, who was just wrapped in a towel.

"I'm y/n, Mrs-" I paused and glanced as Shawn as he was spelling out the word 'mendes'. He nodded at me. "Mendes. Shawn's-" I hesitated.

"Girlfriend." He intervened as he joined my side. I shot him a confused glance and he intertwined his hands with mine, similar to the night before but in a different context. "

"Girlfriend?" She repeated. I nodded as Shawn's grips tightened on my hand. "Okay, well, it's nice to meet you, I guess. I'll leave you two to get ready and no funny business." She said as she pointed a finger between Shawn and I.

"Okay mom." Shawn groaned. "So about the girlfriend situation... thanks." This time I laughed.

"It's fine, no worries. It's the least I could do, after last night of course." I turned on my heels and headed towards his door.

"Was I really that good?" He asked. Smirk apparent on his face.

"Don't get too cocky." I chuckled as I humped his shoulder playfully as we both tried to squeeze through his bedroom door.

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