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I walked through the hallways with my bestfriend, Kitty (lol, that's me!! Deal with it) clutching my folder tightly to my chest. I noticed a lot of commotion going on around the lockers by mine and headed over to have a little nose.

I recognised all the boys involved. Shawn, Lucas, Liam and Cameron. They all seemed to be gathered around Shawn getting a little aggressive whilst Shawn tried to fight back. He stood no chance. 3 against 1. A crowd had started to form and all I wanted to do was get to my locker. I let out a frustrated grown knowing I was having to tell Cameron to do one, once again.

"Excuse me" I said using my elbows and shoulders to push through the crowd. Small gaps allowed me to slip through and I stood in between the boys. "I would rather you not fight in front of my locker, thank you very much" I glared a Cameron. He huffed.

"Only for you y/n" he winked and him and the crowd dispersed yet Shawn was still stood by my locker.

"What was all that about?" I questioned. He shrugged. "No!" I demanded. "Tell me" he shook his head.

"It was nothing, nothing to do with you anyway" he groaned. "Why did you help me?" He asked. I watched as he squirmed under my gaze as if he was scared of me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Because" I deadpanned.

"You know, I always wanted to know why you stopped being my best friend, was it because you became popular and i was just some weirdo kid with a guitar or did I do something wrong?" I sighed slamming my locker shut.

"No reason" I said as I headed down the corridor towards the main entrance. His footsteps soon followed behind mine. He stood in front of me and looked down at me. "Listen Shawn, 8th grade was long time ago. Can you just drop it?"  He shook his head and placed his hands on to my shoulders.

"You know you can tell me anything. I was your best friend and you know j can keep a secret, remember that time we spilt wine all over your moms new, white sofa and we painted over it with nail varnish" a smile slowly lifted onto my face as I recalled the memory of that night. Mine and Shawn's first sleepover. "Or that time you told me that you were scared to ever get a boyfriend because you thought you were-"

"Shawn, stop!" I closed my eyes and tried to push past but he stopped me.

"After all the things that I have done for you! I think I deserve an explanation  for why you all of a sudden stopped being my friend."

"But you'll laugh and tell" he rolled his eyes.

"I won't, I promise. Plus, who am I going to tell?" He chuckled lightly to himself. That same glimmer spearing in his eyes that I haven't seen in a while and his eyes creasing at the sides caused by his smile that could light up any dark situation.

"I have a crush on you" I mumbled barely audible.

"What?" He knitted his eyebrows together. "You really need to stop mumbling"

"I have a crush on you okay! Ever since 8th grade but you would have thought it was weird so i didn't tell you and then things just became weird so we drifted apart. Also I knew you didn't feel the same was because you always said I was like a little sister to you" I almost shouted. I felt a rush of emotions taking over my body. I was relieved to get it out but I was also upset recalling all of the hurt that has graced my aching heart for the past years.

"Why did you think I wouldn't like you back?" He questioned.

"Because I'm... Well I'm just me" I shrugged.

"Well I do" he smiled.

"You're just pitying me" I sighed.

"If I was pitying you I wouldn't get that stupid feeling whenever I see you in the hallways, I wouldn't get those feelings every night where I just want to hold you and kiss you and I certainly wouldn't do this"

"If I was pitying you I wouldn't get that stupid feeling whenever I see you in the hallways, I wouldn't get those feelings every night where I just want to hold you and kiss you and I certainly wouldn't do this"

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He pressed his lips on to mine and they moved in sync. My body responded naturally as my hands moved their way up to his neck as his rested on my waist pulling me closer. The feeling of a thousand million butterflies erupting in my stomach almost made me feel as if I was in one of those cliche movies where the fireworks explode whilst they kiss.

He pulled away although k didn't want him to and he tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear. He rested his forehead against mine as our hot breath hit each others cool faces. He smiled slightly causing me to blush.

"I love you" he muttered before leaning back into kiss me.

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