127- Lunch

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I bounced down the stairs as I pulled my plain, black t-shirt over my head and slotted my arms through the arm holes. I then headed into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around y/n, who was dressed in one of my t-shirts, and pressed a kiss onto the back of her head.

"Morning, darling." I smiled as she looked over her shoulder at me.

"Good morning, baby" she smiled. "I made you some lunch" she said as she handed me over a large, brown paper bag. "Just in case you get hungry at the studio."

I smiled down at her and pressed a kiss onto the tip of her nose.

"God! I love you" I groaned and she chuckled.

"Of course you do. Now go! You're going to be late and you don't want to agitate Andrew, now do you?" She asked. I shook my head. "Correct. Now have a good session." She beamed. I nodded and kissed her lips.

"I love you" I stated as I picked up my phone and the bag.

"I love you too" she replied. I kissed her once more before heading out to my jeep.


"Okay guys, have a break." We set down our guitars and headed out of the sound booth and into the control room. I took out my bag and opened it up noticing a white piece of paper folded into four and decorated in y/n's writing as well as flowers and hearts. I chuckled to myself as I unfolded it.

Hey baby,
I thought you would get hungry, lol. I hope your sessions going great and I packed your favourite, ham and tomato sandwiches. Just kidding, I wouldn't do that to you. I actually packed some muffins and just some plain ham sandwiches, sorry they're a bit boring but I have to go grocery shopping besides its the thought that counts so you betta be grateful hoe.

I love you just like jelly tots, see you later alligator.

y/n x

p.s there's a treat in there for the rest of the boys. I know they're hungry as well.

"Guys!" I called. "y/n packed some treats for you." I chuckled and the room was filled with hoots and cheers as we all dug into the food in the bag.

"Dude!" Geoff mumbled with a mouth full of food. "I know you're only 18 but you need to tie this girl down." He chuckled and I nodded.

"I know."

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