65- "Ew, you two are disgusting!"

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"Okay, Aaliyah! How do you want me to do your makeup?" I asked as I unfolded my brush kit and opened up my makeup storage case.

"I want it kind of natural but with glitter" I nodded and started to reach for the things I need to start her eye makeup. I started blending a transition colour just above her crease when the door swung open and Shawn came rushing in with half a muffin in his hand and half in his mouth.

"Aaliya- Hey darling" he mumbled as he spat muffin all over the place. "I didn't know you was coming over today" he said as he finally swallowed the half of muffin that was shoved in his mouth.

"Hey baby" I smiled as I continued to focus on Aaliyah's face. I reached down for some more brushes and a palette before adding more colour to her eyes. Shawn slipped his arm around me as he stood behind me, his breath tickling the crook of my neck as he watched my every move; still eating his muffin of course. "Shawn, do you mind not spitting muffin down my ear" I chuckled and he removed himself from em with a polite 'sorry'. He kissed my temple before jumping on to Aaliyah's bed.

I finished her eye makeup and Shawn then reappeared behind me. His hot breath tickling against my ear.

"Baby, you know I love you! And you are very talented with your hand for 17 but it's a bit dark for her." I furrowed my eyebrows and let out a chuckle.

"Shawn! It can't be that dark, She only used brown colours and the glitter brightens it up" Aaliyah groaned and they started bickering. I chuckled once more at their humorous relationship till I decided enough was enough.

"Okay you two, break it up" Shawn kissed my cheek and Aaliyah gagged before he sauntered back over to his spot. I prepared her base and then started applying her foundation etc. Once it was all blended I started to apply concealer, powder, contour, blush and highlight. I then spritzed some setting spray on her face and applied natural eyelashes.

"Done!" She picked her lipstick and applied it herself and I packed away my stuff. I locked my case and Shawn hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. He pressed another kiss against my cheek before spinning me around and kissing me properly.

"Ew, you two are disgusting"

"Ew, you two are disgusting"

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