6- Hard Work

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Leaning against my locker, I sighed watching Shawn and his girlfriend- who happens to be one of the lost popular girls in the school- flirt up a storm. Ever since they have been together Shawn barely even acknowledges me anymore and I was sick of it. Not to mention I was hopelessly in love with him. I grabbed my books and slammed my locker.

I stuffed my book in my bag and headed to my lesson. A warm hand was placed on my shoulder and turned me around to face them. It was Shawn.

"Can I speak to you?" He asked.

"I don't know , doesn't Claudia have to be here since she's constantly attached to your hip?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Because ever since you and Claudia got together you don't give two shits about me. The other night when I had that massive argument with my mom I called you and you were spending time with Claudia instead of with your Bestfriend"


"No Shawn, how many times have I been by your side when you needed me? and for the record I was there all the time. I needed you once and you couldn't even cancel on date with your girlfriend just to be my best friend for 30 minutes."

"Just listen to me" he yelled a little.


"I broke up with Claudia-"

"Oh so you broke up with Claudia you come crawling back to me?"

"For God's sake y/n. I broke up with her for you because I realised how I acted towards you and how I should never have let her come in between us and mainly because I realised something that I thought only happens in the movies" he grabbed my hands and squeezed them in his. "I'm in love with my best friend"

You leapt into his arms almost subconsciously and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too" you giggled. He grasped you hand and walked you to your lesson.

"You know you're so stubborn sometimes"

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now